Wagyu Hanger Steak


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
a local butcher shop in Racine had this beef for sale over the past holiday weekend
so I bought some... a little over a pound.
seasoned it with Stubb's Beef Spice Rub.


fired up the Santa Maria Grill using all lump charcoal with a decent size stick of hickory







tempted the steak to 125ºF internal... this took almost 25 minutes... crusted the outer, rare to medium rare inside.


rested about 13 minutes then sliced it.


served with skillet baked Yukons and garden fresh green beans with a Shiner.


Excellent! Shoulda bought more.
Thanks for stopping by!
Super looking hanger steak, and it is cooked to perfection Jim!

Had to hide the pics from Brooke, or else she'll want a bed like Maddies.

Brings back fond memories of 2011, and our hangers at the P1G:
Never had a hanger steak, man those look great. Been trying to find them here in DURANGO area.
Also love that grill. Thought about getting one, but thinking about going with a Hasty Bake. You can use them like a Santa Maria type grill, direct grill or smoker.
This is a really interesting piece of meat. Do you like more to cook it in a whole?
I know it was tasty, beautiful cook Jim.
The steak looks great, but I really enjoy your CI skillet potatoes, etc. I really need to get some CI cookware!
thanks everyone:)
yes, Russ, I've heard excellent things about the Hasty Bake!
and Mildo, this steak was only a bit over one pound and usually (99% of the time) I do grill it whole.
Jim great job everything looks so delicious and I see Maddie is enjoying herself and keeping a eye on you. Please Please;)
thanks everyone:)Mildo, this steak was only a bit over one pound and usually (99% of the time) I do grill it whole.
You know Jim, it bothers me that thing in the middle and I always try to remove before cooking. Hanger has two parts and the thinner can be used for stir fry cooks and the like. I try to always separate, because I would hate to remove this then when it got to the plate.




Do you think I'm wrong? Is it better to leave it in whole for any reason? (99% - you had to cook a hundred times and only once trimmed);)
Well, yeah, I bite your Jerky and thinking about you and so ...
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Mildo, you're absolutely correct. "that thing in the middle" usually has been removed for me by the butcher (meat cutter) before I drive home with it...
AND, with this package of meat, once I saw "that thing in the middle", I did think of removing it....
however, upon further inspection of the meat, I felt the gristle was minimal and no threat to the rest of the cut.
furthermore, in this photo ▼ (dead center) I think you can see the fine line of "that thing in the middle" has actually dissipated to the point of edibleness.


I believe if you had tried this after grillin', you also would agree, trying to knife out that string may harm the cut
and prove to be a waste of (drinking) time. ;)
in more words, it was not noticeable on the dinner plate.
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