Vieluxe by weber

No. At this point in life, I'll do Instacart. I have a 16 year old grandson living next door who has little to no desire to drive. Bruce, you and I belong to a time that has passed, I think.
If you can find spuds (the blank orifices) for it, because it's going from NG to LP the absolute worst case scenario would be that if the valves themselves did not work "properly" on LP it would not be unsafe just inconvenient in that on the lower settings the grill might run hotter than you might think. So the inconvenience to that would be needing to shut off burners to get temps down a bit. Hardly a huge issue and certainly not a safety issue. The danger comes going the other way and getting flame outs when you don't expect it all while having gas continue to flow. Honestly this one would not scare me. And of course the user manual and Weber are all gonna "toe the line". They have to so they can CYA or CTA as it were :D
For the right price, living in the city(if one really can call this burg a city) with piped in gas and an old lead to the patio, I would be on this like smoke on a butt!
I just looked it's still showing $600. How much has he come down? Sadly there will likely be someone who may just buy it because it looks cool and simply "run it into the ground" rather than appreciate what an awesome piece of cooking machinery and history it is. Let's face it occasionally wives are gonna "hate on us" LOL I know mine may later tonight when she finds out what I bought myself for Christmas. But, I think it's their job to keep us in line best they can :D Just tell her "it followed me home.................can I keep it?"
I know the day I started bringing Wolf parts into the house/garage she was pretty incredulous at the size of it. But, over the years she's come to appreciate what a wonderful piece of equipment it is (especially for pizza). Heck she even agreed to me getting the custom grates from RCP for it and has marveled what a nice investment the whole thing is.
I'm the devil whispering advice in your ear...........................get it get it get it
I personally would not want to spend more than $150 to $200 on such a behemoth. Parts are almost impsossible to find and freaking expensive if still available. But that is me.
I personally would not want to spend more than $150 to $200 on such a behemoth. Parts are almost impsossible to find and freaking expensive if still available. But that is me.
Same boat here BUT with a caveat. If the insides look as good as those outsides do I would drop $400 give or take a little on it in a heartbeat. Face it. That thing is pretty indestructible. Odds are even if something went really bad on it 10 years later, look at what a great cooker you had for 10 years and only $400! I guess I look at things that way. Odds are the only thing likely to remotely wear out would be flavorizer bars

he is at $350 in my last email... I am looking at it tomorrow at 10am. the gas cross tubes are rusted that is why he came down he said. the burners look ok... the tubes look exactly like the summit 450 i have sitting in garage... so even if they have to be mortified to fit it wont be a huge deal.
As long as they are not longer... I will make sure to measure..

like I said I never even talked price with him yet... he voluntarily dropped it in his last email. pics attached are from him... looks dirty... but I have seen much worse.


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I would not worry about the crossover tubes. Even if you cannot buy original parts to replace them, you probably can buy ones for genesis grills that can be cut to length to fit.
The problem with buying that grill and then looking for another donor grill for replacement parts is that they are very hard to find in the first place and likely you are going to pay at least $500 for that grill as well. Then, you have to hope that grill has all the parts you need in still good condition. Things like a manifold won't be a problem, but other parts might be tougher to find like burners. You may wind up having this grill sitting in your garage for a couple years before you can find a donor grill that is close enough and cheap enough to pick up.
I don't want to discourage you, just trying to prepare you and make sure you are ready to go down that "rabbit hole". And not every rabbit hole leads to an expensive disaster. Some lead to the proverbial "Unicorn".
You may wind up having this grill sitting in your garage for a couple years before you can find a donor grill that is close enough and cheap enough to pick up.
Awfully negative there my friend. Really that thing is in nice shape. A little cleaning, some X-over tubes and a little work to convert it and it's a winner. I don't see anything on that grill that is insurmountable or even much of a concern
LOL. I think I am on the other side for the spectrum from Jon. I am probably a little too cautious.
But, my main concern is the NG to LP conversion. His options are either find a donor grill to grab a whole manifold from or do the manual conversion which seems to me to be something that might not even be possible. If I knew it was only a matter of changing out the orifices, then I wouldn't be so reluctant to grab a flashlight and head on down the rabbit hole. I certainly am not worried about a little cleaning and work and I already posted that the crossover tubes are not an issue. If I knew gas and gas appliances like you do, the gas conversion would probably be a lot less intimidating.
so.... he has already come down on price, and I have not even looked at it in person..... at what point is it worth just getting it... because I might find another one that needs parts.... :) my wife hates you guys and this new problem I have :) jk
That happens, my wife has given up on me in the world of grilling and equipment.
As regards the Vieluxe, if I could get it for a reasonable price, I’d have Larry come over for a couple of days and let him have at it! Feasting and adult beverages, sounds like a pretty good weekend! Same for you Bruce?
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Honestly Bruce, it's something I would not be scared of. If it was converting the other way than yeah I would be more concerned. But at the absolute worst case scenario if he puts in LP orifices and the valves are not completely compatible he would have a grill that runs a little hotter than he might like with all burners on low/med. On high it would not matter as no matter the valve high is WOT (wide open throttle). I don't see the downside to this thing. I would be snapping it up.
I am kind of with Stefan $150 to $200 take a shot don't compete with yourself. The owner keeps dropping the price because except for us and few others who even knows what this is? I mean who is going to spend $350 for a used grill when they never even heard of it crossovers are shot and in the pictures the cover that goes over the burners on the right side maybe it is grease but it looks like rust on the left side of that cover. Even 304 will rust eventually.

Not to mention its Nat Gas so the market gets smaller and Aaron does not have access if I understood him to Nat Gas. I suspect and its a guess that the valves are variable no way to tell until he pulls one and shows pictures, totally agree with Larry Weber is going to put that disclaimer regarding conversions to protect themselves.
I would have thought if this was the case Jon would have really seen it in FLA. I honestly would have to actually see it to fully believe it's possible. I mean, hell they make containers to carry acids out of it
Well, OK then, I guess I would consider a Veluxe. If I see one in my area, I will consider it....But it would have to be a deal like the one above. I would not pay more. If I did grab one, it would be for flipping too. I have no need or space for one of those.
Would I like one? Sure. But, I would like a Harley too. And a 4 wheeler. And a 68 Camero................

