Same boat here BUT with a caveat. If the insides look as good as those outsides do I would drop $400 give or take a little on it in a heartbeat. Face it. That thing is pretty indestructible. Odds are even if something went really bad on it 10 years later, look at what a great cooker you had for 10 years and only $400! I guess I look at things that way. Odds are the only thing likely to remotely wear out would be flavorizer barsI personally would not want to spend more than $150 to $200 on such a behemoth. Parts are almost impsossible to find and freaking expensive if still available. But that is me.
Awfully negative there my friend. Really that thing is in nice shape. A little cleaning, some X-over tubes and a little work to convert it and it's a winner. I don't see anything on that grill that is insurmountable or even much of a concernYou may wind up having this grill sitting in your garage for a couple years before you can find a donor grill that is close enough and cheap enough to pick up.
That happens, my wife has given up on me in the world of grilling and he has already come down on price, and I have not even looked at it in person..... at what point is it worth just getting it... because I might find another one that needs wife hates you guys and this new problem I have
Well that is news to me. Never seen it in my lifetime. I have seen it kind of tarnish or dull a little but that is the worstEven 304 will rust eventually.