To much fat on that BUTT?


Andre A

TVWBB Member
I did a pork butt once before, I followed Aaron Franklin it was good but way to much fat. Franklin did remove any fat from his and I did the same. I seasoned it and cooked it. The result was a great tasting butt, but with loads of unedible bark. The bark was simply to fatty to eat. Because of this, I am strongly considering removing the fat cap all together. My only question is without the fat cap, am I going to lose the bark?
Fat cap and bark are different things. Bark is a crisp layer of meat. Crispy fat is not bark.
Trim the fat cap to approx 1/4" score it criss cross and rub and mustard, cook till done
I trim the fat around the butt all over just like Johnny Trigg does. There is more than enough fat within the butt and it stays super moist.

Although after reading these posts I might try keeping the fat cap and get it good and crispy.
No no no don't trim the fat cap place it fat cap down and generously apply rub to rest inject with melted butter and smoke to 195 if it isn't the best pulled pork you had let me know
I trim the fat around the butt all over just like Johnny Trigg does. There is more than enough fat within the butt and it stays super moist.

Although after reading these posts I might try keeping the fat cap and get it good and crispy.

The thing is, it's like brisket. I find you need to trim it down to a bit to get it to crisp up.
It sure is! I usually try to scrap off as much fat that hasn't gotten crisp, and I mix the crispy parts in with the pulled pork. Creates a whole nother taste layer. A yummy one at that

You got that right! The more fat that crisps up, the better! I find that if I leave too much fat on the cap though, I won't get near as much "crispies". Recently I smoked a couple that I'd trimmed down to around 3/8" or so and didn't have to scrape off any of the exterior fat. It was some of my best, and I had lots of crispies! Don't leave the best part on the grate, guys!
Fat cap off completely, AND the false cap underneath - it all gets in the way of awesome bark. Plenty 'o fat inside.

Although you're getting advice from both ends of the spectrum - try it both ways side by side to see you preference.
Although you're getting advice from both ends of the spectrum - try it both ways side by side to see you preference.

There ya go! I get my butts in a two pack from Costco and they're cheap enough that you can cook two at the same time in different ways to experiment. And you'll have tons of leftovers!
Fat cap off completely, AND the false cap underneath - it all gets in the way of awesome bark. Plenty 'o fat inside.

Although you're getting advice from both ends of the spectrum - try it both ways side by side to see you preference.

Agree on trying it both ways. I like the no muss no fuss method, FC down with zero trimming :), cause I think most if not all commercial pork is not fatty enough esp butts. Picnics have the rind with a deeper fat layer that you can score for quicker rendering, but on the other end butts have that awesome piece of thin meat between the FC and false cap, that I would never ever toss out.:wsm:

Agree on trying it both ways. I like the no muss no fuss method, FC down with zero trimming :), cause I think most if not all commercial pork is not fatty enough esp butts. Picnics have the rind with a deeper fat layer that you can score for quicker rendering, but on the other end butts have that awesome piece of thin meat between the FC and false cap, that I would never ever toss out.:wsm:


I know what ya mean, Tim. I don't inject any more and I'm certainly not going to spend the time trimming butts like I do briskets. I've only recently started trimming, but I'm just trying to get the cap thin enough so that most of it will crisp up....probably leaving somewhere around 3/8" or so. That thin piece of meat between the fat is the best part, especially when mixed with the fat on the bottom that gets crisp! Although I think flipping and water in the pan has their merits, fat cap down and a dry pan helps with the fat crisping.
I am a "trim" guy. Don't leave much of a fat cap, the butt has plenty of fat on the inside. I do inject, so keeping it moist is NEVER a problem.
You sure it's the injection keeping the meat moist?

Could be a myriad of things.......moist environment, injection, basting........and yes, the fat content of the meat as well. I have had the best results with turkey breasts by wrapping them up in cheese cloth for the first 2 hours and basting them regularly. I also brine them. Basting does help, especially with flavor. Butter, or some other sort of slow evaporating liquid, when injected, definitely helps on lean cuts of meat like pork loins. Again, methods do make a difference.

