Time to thaw those turkeys!

Good reminder. I just bought a 16 and 22#.
I'll put them in the fridge for a few days then into coolers with ice cold water. Temps are cold enough here to leave the coolers in my garage.
If you don't have the fridge space (which I never do).

Cooler with ice blocks in the garage, porch or mudroom. I use plastic milk jugs as my ice packs.

Then use your Smoke or other remote thermometer to monitor that the temp inside the cooler is 32-40F.

Pretty easy to create/maintain a second fridge for the week leading up to TG. I've got two turkeys thawing in the garage right now at 33F.
I put my 15 pounder in the fridge on Friday. I’ll brine it Tuesday night and Wednesday and then dry and season it Wednesday night and get up early Thursday and throw it on the smoker.
Bought a fresh one at O'dark-thirty Sunday morning. Mixing up my apple brine first thing Tuesday morning. I'm always too afraid to buy frozen, thinking it'll still be a block of ice when I'm ready to cook it. Wegman's has frozen Shadybrook Farms birds for $0.39/lb though and I'm tempted to pick one up for later.

