Thursday Night New Yorks


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
Had a couple of New York Steaks in the freezer. Decided to do those along with some green bell peppers stuffed with my left over stuffing from my last post. Rounded it out with a couple of baked Russets.

Let sit for 30 minutes or so.

Seasoned with Uncle Chris' Gourmet Steak

Got the peppers and spuds ready.

Topped the peppers with some bacon scraps I had left over from another cook.

Spuds on for about an hour.

After half hour added the stuffed peppers.

Steaks about 3 minutes a side over very high heat.

Sides done.



Everything came out pretty good. I've found that Uncle Chris' Rub is pretty salty. My opinion only. This coming from a salt freak. It is very flavorful and I will continue to use it occasionally, but Montreal Steak Seasoning is still my favorite. Thanks for viewing the pic's.
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looks Terrific Cliff!
I've found many steak seasonings have a great deal of salt in them... too much for my tastes...
Nice going, Cliff! It's tough to beat perfectly cooked steaks, roasted potatoes, and stuffed peppers when it comes to weeknight meals.
Another great cook Cliff, I tend to shy away from steak seasonings because of the high salt content on most, but I do like the Montreal steak seasoning in moderation also.

