Festival of Sausage!
In keeping with the "Sausages" theme, I thought I would throwdown a few yummies for your consideration...
The sausage menu consists of 2 Roasted Red Pepper Sausage Links I picked up on special, a package of Johnsonville Cheese Brats (my personal favorite), and a package of Johnsonville Spicy Chorizo that I am going to stuff with gorgonzola cheese and then wrap in a bacon web...
The Chorizo has a lovely texture. I have never gotten the J'ville brand before, and I am happily surprised at the quality. Here I mashed the sausage out to stuff with gorgonzola...
I picked up some thick cut bacon to make a weave, so I can have a nice bacon wrapping...
Now everything is prepped and waiting for some coddling in Boss Hog's cooking chamber...
Here is Boss Hog getting ready for the event. I am starting him off with a chimney of Wicked Good Weekend Warrior...
The meat is on the smoker after adding some oak to the fire...
I had one slice of bacon left over from the weave, so I used it to wrap one of the cheese brats. Here it is ready to come off...
All the sausage was ready in about 3 1/2 hours, and here is a shot of them all, with the Roasted Red Pepper Links up front...
Time to plate it all up, and get busy with my eating utensils, but before I do, I would like to share some with my friends! :-D
Now this is what I call a festival of sausage! It was all so very tender, juicy, and oh yes... tasty too! :-D