Thirty Five Years Later my First Successful Beef Rib Cook


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
About 35 years ago when I knew everything there was to know about smoking and grilling I made some beef back ribs. Basically I cooked them high heat for about two hours or so and a direct sear to set the Chris & Pits BBQ sauce.
As you can imagine the dogs ate well that night and I swore never again.

Well I saw these beef back ribs in the dog food section and I thought, well now that I’ve seen my forum friends do back ribs that are unbelievably good and for 75% off and a total of $6.32 and 35 years later way not give it a try.

Used Weber’s Smokey Mesquite and Dizzy pig for the rub.
Fired up the WSM with KBB, smoke was peach and apple with a minion start. Temps were 225-245 for six hours.
Pulled at IT of 195 and wrapped and into the cooler to rest for an hour.

I found another bean recipe that uses root beer like the one I got from Cliff, which we really like.
So while the ribs rested I made the beans, if you look at the ingredients picture, yes that is apple pie filling.

Barb made her golden raisin coleslaw.
For dessert Barb also made some grilled peaches with the leftover apple pie filling in the area the stone was in with French vanilla ice cream and cinnamon sprinkled on top, really good.

The ribs were wonderful, moist and almost fall off the bone tender with great flavor. Although next time I’ll just do S&P for the rub to get more of the beef flavor.
The beans were the best I’ve ever made or had, the apple pie filling gave the beans such a great flavor, defiantly a keeper.
Barbs raisin coleslaw fit right in with the sweetness of the beans.

A big thank you to all the forum members for sharing those great beef rib cooks, you made me have my first successful beef rib cook with many more to come.










Thanks for taking a look.
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Those look great Rich. Something that I have never attempted. A guy at work brought some beef ribs from a really great BBQ joint by work and they were really good.

You and Barb enjoy your dinner.
Great looking ribs, Rich! Glad you decided to give them another shot after all these years. I haven't tried beef ribs, yet. Gotta put them on my list.
Great looking cook Rich. I also will have to put beef ribs on the to do list. Everything looked really good.
WOW Rich your ribs look great. Sides look guud too. Glad that you went back for a second try. We like the beef ribs when we can find them.
I'm the same as you Rich. I just cannot get ribs right, that's why I shy away from them. At best they turn out ok-ish. Dunno what I'm doing wrong. Lord knows how many rib recipe's & methods I've read & tried.
Yours ribs look fab!
Barb, leave those raisins out of the 'slaw please. (Same as you with peas. :)).
Good looking dessert.
Looks awesome Rich. Those are some nice meaty beef ribs. I've only see shiners in the store here myself so I've only cooked them as a treat for our beagle Joey. The apple pie filling in the beans is really interesting. Very nice feast!
I make beef chuck short ribs all the time. I get a 4 bone slab salt and pepper and 7-8 hrs @ 260 or so.
Easiest meal to cook.

