Todd Phillips
As some of you know,I'm a kitchen and bath designer by trade. I'm fortunate enough to be embedded more on the highend side with in the industrie. Being one who loves to throw down every chance I get. It can be taxing on my better half. As BBQers, we can destroy a kitchen faster then anyone. Especially when you have those days of making rubs,sauce,grindng meats, and then prepping,injecting,rubbing everything down. Im sure more then a few of you who are married no what I'm talking about. Anywho, she's done cleaning sauce off of doors knobs and finding rub in every corner of the kitchen. So after years, she gave the go ahead to get what I've dub "The secret Lab" going as long as I made her a "simple" little wet/wine bar. And she expressed "Simple!" Well, she knows I don't do simple. I do functional. Problem is,functional ends up being really expensive for us.
Had this weird walk in pantry in my kitchen that you couldn't really walk into. So I decided to blow out a coat closet on the back side, move the door of the pantry over and place my coolers on both sides. I went with a Miele all fridge and freezer overlay columns with reverse hinge
Here it is finished
Here is a shot to see it better
Now, This is were part one comes in. Completely ran out of funding. Which I knew I was because I spent it all on the right Appliances.I Actually I blamed her.
If it wasn't for her stupid wine bar I would of came in way under budget and had it done (Don't anyone tell her I said that) Part 2 will be finishing the lab.(I'll save pics for that) Making it a full prep station. Which means all the wifes crap and anything that doesn't half to do with butchering or prepping will be gone. I put some functioning cabinets in and had butcher block tops made and pretty much stop there. At lease the hard part is done and I have the space. I Still can hide and do some man work in there.
Enterance to the Lab
butcher block tops
Oh yeah, The wifes stupid wet bar.
I actually got my dream coffee setup here and went with a miele built in with direct plumb. Added the cup warmer underneath as well. Dedicated Miele Dishwasher. We burn through alot of coffee and beer glasses. Uline 15" fridge with a Scottsman clear nugget ice.You scotch drinkers will appreciate that. Put a triple zone Miele wine center in as well.
Had this weird walk in pantry in my kitchen that you couldn't really walk into. So I decided to blow out a coat closet on the back side, move the door of the pantry over and place my coolers on both sides. I went with a Miele all fridge and freezer overlay columns with reverse hinge
Here it is finished

Here is a shot to see it better

Now, This is were part one comes in. Completely ran out of funding. Which I knew I was because I spent it all on the right Appliances.I Actually I blamed her.

Enterance to the Lab

butcher block tops

Oh yeah, The wifes stupid wet bar.