The Humor Thread

Some will get this . . . other won't have a clue . . .

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A rare, in the wild, photo of the founding member of Neighbourhood Watch. [aka Mrs. Smith, the lesser-spotted curtain twitcher at No.24].*

*When I was a kid that was one of our neighbour's a few doors away. Nothing got by her! Much to the annoyance of my backside!
[It was uncanny that my Mum knew if I was up to mischief before I had even done it! [Yes Mrs. Smith, I'm looking at you]].
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I must be great then! Got a lot of fat on me :)
I love how the English language can be manipulated. :LOL:

A young artist is exhibiting his work for the first time, & a very well-known art critic is in attendance.

The critic asks the artist: "Would you like my opinion on your work?"

"Yes", replies the artist.

"It's worthless", says the critic.

The artist replies: "Yes, I know. But tell me anyway".

