Reading through this thread has given me pause for thought to what is most important:
Love and prayers to you both Bill. - Gary </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Originally posted by Gary H. NJ:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">My wife is fighting cancer right now
Originally posted by Bill S.:
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Brokedown Palace...Grateful Dead tune. But I heard this version today. My wife is fighting cancer right now and this song just does me in.
Originally posted by Phil Perrin:
Bill,cancer sucks hard. I lost my step-son three years ago to testicular cancer,and both my sisters successfully fought cancer this last year. One breast cancer and the other uterine. We're praying for her and ALL the cancer fighters out there. Tell her to keep fighting!
There are NO WORDS that can describe this performance. The song was origanly sung by Patty Griffin and Kelly sung this on Amrrican Idol gives back. Kelly and one of the GOD of guitars Jeff Beck plays lead. Yeah the vid is old and not all that great in quality but OMG!!! this is one of the best IMO ever. As I said before I'm at a loss for words on this one. Check out the comments at the end. Kelly is so awsome, as is Jeff. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Peace out, B
There are NO WORDS that can describe this performance. The song was origanly sung by Patty Griffin and Kelly sung this on Amrrican Idol gives back. Kelly and one of the GOD's of guitars (one of the gifted few that can make a guitar cry), Jeff Beck plays lead. Yeah the vid is old, and not all that great in quality but OMG!!! this is one of the best performances IMO ever. As I said before I'm at a loss for words on this one. Check out the comments at the end. Kelly is so awsome, as is Jeff. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Peace out, B
I'm Ok Thanks for asking. I will try and keep this thread alive as long as I'm able. I'm a sucker for songs and or performances that make me cry. Yeah!, I'm a big Baby.Thank-s B for bringing this back on top, and I hope all is well!
My lady loves that song, and we both love Jeff as we turned our lives around after seeing him in 75 at the Arie Crown Theater in Chicago.
I had to go back and edit my post from 08 as the video link was broken.
Even the stars shown in the vid are in awe.
Iv'e been trying to give a pre what's going on in this link for several weeks now. I'll link to in my next post. Please stay with me here as It's the most painful thing, experience I ever have gone though.