T-bone alone!


Brian Dahl

TVWBB Gold Member
I was batch'ing it last Saturday and ran across a couple of old friends I hadn't seen in a while

The steak was dusted with the Montreal Spicy blend. I made up some veggie boats with the last Delicata squash from the fall: broccoli, onion, garlic, 'shroom and Jalapeno with a splash of chicken stock

here they are a little later. I was cookin' on Round Red, about 3/4's of a chimney of KBB, divided

after the flip

and in

and on

I know not everyone is not keen on A.1., but I really like the stuff. It is a nice memory from when I was a kid: when I saw the A.1. on the counter, I knew we were having streak that night! The Old Grandads? It will probably be another 20 years: certainly not the worst I've ever drank, but well down on the list. Perfect for cookin. Thanks for stopping by - Happy Hump day - and I'll see you around the fire!
I love A1 Brian. Same thing, nostalgia. Haven't had it in quite some time, but there is a bottle in the fridge!. Steak looks great but I really like that squash/veggie combo. Very nice looking cook. Not sure if I've ever had Old Granddad. If I stray from beer or wine it's usually Jack. Great post!
My family uses Old Granddad in their whiskey cherry cordials - I sneak a nip every now & then - it's stout! Along the same lines as wild turkey 101.... I prefer 80 proof!
Great looking meal Brian! Love the veggie boat, got to show that to Barb. I've had OGD along with Wild Turkey 101, can't handle the high octane stuff anymore, more of a milder straight bourbon and a splash of coke for me now.
Great looking steak and veg. Been a while since I've had OG. Can only seem to find the 80 proof around here.
I didn't like A1 growing up but now I like it. I don't use on steak but with put some on my sides lol
That veggie boat squash idea is brilliant and looks delicious. Bet it beats the hell out of just butter with S&P. Can't wait to try that!
Brian, that is a great looking steak and I love the side dish awesome. I like the Wild Turkey 101 on the rocks myself.

