Super Bowl

We're not BBQ'ing nor celebrating the Super Bowl. But have been following the flight path of one of our fellow local boys. He's the lead plane... :)
Watching; neither of us felt like cooking so we ordered a pizza.
Not really a sports fan but pulling for the Rams. In it for the commercials. Missed "mini Me" in the Austin Powers commercial. R. I. P. Vern Troyer!
Next door neighbor had a big party and asked me to help with the cooking. Fifty pounds of baby backs, a bunch of bacon wrapped lollipop legs, 20 lbs. of wings and a bunch of sides. Usually bundled up this time of the year but it was tee shirt weather today. Was too busy cooking to watch much of the game. No loss, I've been turned off by professional sports for the last few years anyway.

Fast forward to an hour ago. Neighbor wheels my Traeger back and brings over 12 pounds of raw wings he doesn't have room for. Don't have freezer space here either. Was going to fire up the Santa Maria and do some leg quarters until I found out the wind is supposed to be ~17mph, starting at about 2 PM. He's coming over after finishing the cleanup and we're having------------------------------wings. Got some spuds that are dire need of being used, so will do a bunch of fries too. I've got the legs/thighs and half the wings dry brining with SPG. This will be a stove-top cook in a CI Dutch oven. Not sure. but may be able to find freezer space for other wings. Tough life but this fat old man will suffer through it :)
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