Sunday Smoke. Leg of Lamb.



Got up at Dark o’clock to do a bone-in leg of Scottish lamb, for shredded lamb/tabouleh/ wraps.



I pierced the meat in several places, & put a half clove of garlic in each hole. Then mixed up rosemary/thyme/coriander & olive oil as a marinade, then into the fridge overnight.

Getting set up. Minion style with a few chunks of maple wood buried. Aussie Heat Beads for fuel.

4hrs in…all good.

………to be continued.
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Oh my this is looking good Tony! What's the target temp, you're at 156 are you shooting for 190?
ChuckO, gonna shoot for 195[SUP]o[/SUP]f IT. I'm currently stalled at 165[SUP]o[/SUP]f after 5 hrs.
Tony - don't forget to update - I'm hanging on the edge of my seat to see how this turns out...


That is a beautiful leg of lamb Tony. The shredded lamb along with the Tabouleh will make some delicious wraps. Will certainly check back.
That leg of lamb is a thing of beauty Tony, can't wait to see more pictures.
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Well, that was an event. The lamb leg fought me all the way. Getting from the stall up to 195[SUP]o [/SUP]f took forever. Finally got it there after 9 hrs. The cooker was a rock solid 255[SUP]o[/SUP]f all throughout the cook.

Here we are at 195[SUP]o[/SUP]f. Wrapped in tin-foil & an old towel & into the coolbox for an hour.


When I went down to the Grillstock 2016 BBQ festival a few weeks ago, there was a vendor there who makes his own chilli jam. It's fantastic, we bought loads. This is No.6, Scotch Bonnet. This will be the slather on the wrap before the build. It has a nice sweet smokey flavour, & some good heat. The Chilli Jam Man. (If anyone would like to try some, hit me up & I'll send some over….gratis).


The Pull. It pulled beautifully. The bone just fell out. Nice smoke ring.


Your plate. The Wrap. No.6 Chilli Jam - Lamb - Tabouleh - Shredded Cucumber & Carrot.


If I'm honest, the meat was just a smidgen dry……but tasted wonderful, rich & smokey. (I should have heeded ChuckO’s advice and pulled it off the smoker at 190[SUP]o[/SUP]f. Thems the breaks).

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Tony, what airport do I fly into? I'm on my way. That looks insanely good. Nine hours!!! I never would have guessed that, but now I know, and I'm doing this cook.

That's the best smoke I've seen in a long time, if not ever
I knew that was going to be a beauty Tony. The color on that lamb is magnificent. That last shot is lights out... delicious. I really love Mid Eastern cuisine and will that Tabouleh sometime soon. Would also like a taste of the Scotch Bonnet Chilly Jam. What an outstanding post.
Well, that was an event. The lamb leg fought me all the way. Getting from the stall up to 195[SUP]o [/SUP]f took forever. Finally got it there after 9 hrs. The cooker was a rock solid 255[SUP]o[/SUP]f all throughout the cook.

If I'm honest, the meat was just a smidgen dry……but tasted wonderful, rich & smokey. (I should have heeded ChuckO’s advice and pulled it off the smoker at 190[SUP]o[/SUP]f. Thems the breaks).
Inspirational cook Tony.

I wonder with the lamb if tin foiling it when it hits the stall would help retain some moisture and get the cook time down. (The lamb not having as much collagen/fat to break down as a pork butt or beef brisket???)
Looks great Tony. I love lamb. Those wraps look very tasty.

Leg does tend to go dry when slow cooked even when I cook it in a casserole dish with a tight lid and sitting in a little bath of red wine and veg.
This is where a rotisserie might help to keep the juices in. Trying to see if I can get the guys to import a Cajun Bandit one for a reasonable price.

Haven't done lamb on the WSM yet. I want try a whole or half shoulder which has more fat content.

