Stuffed Pork Chops on the OTG


John Sp

TVWBB All-Star
Hello All,

After a long day of Eagle Scout projects and work around the house, my wife and I looked at each other and said, "what are you cooking for dinner?" After some back and forth we decided to collaborate. She had some thick cut boneless pork chops she picked up on sale. I agreed to grill them if she would make the sides. She asked me to stuff them. I said I would if she would make the stuffing and we were off. Below are a few pics of the process:

Dry Brining the Boneless Pork Chops

Quick Rub (Oregano, Basil, BP, Garlic Powder, KS, and Lemon Pepper)

Spinach Dressing (Fresh Spinach, Bacon, Onion, Garlic, KS, & Feta Cheese)

Stuffing the Chops and Wrapping with Bacon

Chops on the Grill Direct - Very Hot

Moved Indirect & Covered for about 30 Minutes - Bacon Facing the Coals

Plated with the Remainder of the Spinach (Creamed) and Kari's Bacon Bomb Green Beans

This turned out pretty good given the late start. Kari and I collaborate well when the chips are down. The flavor profile was good although I was a bit underwhelmed by the rub (I will add rosemary or maybe cumin next time around). If I had had more time, I would have marinated it in some Mediterranean marinade for a few hours before stuffing it. Anyway the family enjoyed it and asked me to add it to the rotation so that adds up to success as far as I am concerned. Thanks for looking...


Wow is all I can say, from Kari's stuffing, the beans and the main event, you made one heck of a meal and on the fly, most impressive. How long did you dry brine the chops? To what extent did you remove the salt / cure after the brine?

The rule of thumb is 15 minutes for each 1/4 inch of thickness. These chops were about an inch thick so I let them go for an hour with the salt on them (heavy salt on both sides). Then I rinsed them thoroughly and soaked them covered in cold water for about 20 minutes. This is the first time I tried the technique on pork - it is my go to now for tough cuts of steak and I have used it successfully on chicken as well...


Great team effort, yours and Kari's collaboration made one great meal. I started brining my pork chops and found they were much better, just don't forget to rinse and soak like I did one evening, gives a new meaning to the phrase "too salty".
John and Kari that was one fantastic collaboration you two did. Everything looks delicious, great plated pic.

