Some Genesis Platinum Options:

I highly suggest this solution for the bottom of the SS Platinum grills. It isn't very hard to do at all and bottom line is that it retains the rust free qualities that make the frame so great. The biggest hurdle is sourcing the aluminum sheeting but I would think a lot of metal supply outfits will have something that works and it shouldn't be all that expensive. The other issue would be the front and back cross members. But those could be added in with the tube connecting nuts. I just finished riveting this panel in a little while ago.

It does look good on the SS frame. I wish you were closer. I would love to fix the dropsies problem with your frame extensions.
Thanks Bruce,
One day I would like to take it to my brother for he has a welder. Unfortunately, he is very busy all the time. Maybe when he decides to retire, we can get together on it and get it done.
Yes the Curb Alert I got the Burgundy lid from was an older Genesis also that did not have the removable bolts. Here it is in all its glory. I kept the Burgundy insert, propane tank, grill light, lid handle, grill knobs, and wire rack, for myself and passed the rest along for free.

View attachment 89234

I did not leave the remains totally abandon. I left the next owner a decent start on a restore for the side burner worked.
It was not just chopped liver. The guy that picked it up from me put new burners and ignitor in it and then offered it up for sale.
Here is what I gave him.

View attachment 89236View attachment 89237

I wouldn't have given up those black knobs / starter button
I wouldn't have given up those black knobs / starter button
It is okay. I kept the ones that were on it and can dye those too. I have several dyed knobs but few ignitors. I was afraid if I gave it away without them no one would take it. If I was smart, I would have kept the grease tray, but that is okay. I was just hoping he was going to keep the grill, instead of reselling it, but that is not mine to dictate what happens to it when I give it away. Heck, I have done the same on some occasions. In the end it did not go to the dump heap, and I was fine with that. The lid and the wire bottom were my reason for the score.
That’s a good looking grill! Looks like the one I’m trying to build. Was hoping to have mine wrapped up by Christmas time. But some uncontrollable issues will be significantly delaying mine. Keep on the right track, and keep updating progress!
Thanks Cody,
No worries it took me 3 years in the making to build mine. I would hope you would start a thread for it so we can follow along with you. Half the fun is building it, and the other half is sharing it with others. That is how we get ideas and grow as a family on this forum. So please start a thread so we can follow along with your enjoyment. I know I would be looking forward to seeing it no matter how long it takes.
How many years did it take for you to accumulate all of those knobs and igniter switches?
Oh, I have been rehabbing for about 6-7 years. Those are my excess that have been gleaned from parts grills over the years. I used to have a whole bunch of Genesis 1000 knobs as well, but I gave those away when I mostly quit rehabbing those grills.

