So Nice to be Able to Use the Toys Again!


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Amazing how things change a week ago I was walking Whitney out in the fields with my heavy winter coat, ski cap and gloves.
Yesterday it just missed hitting 90 degrees by one degree.
So it was too hot to cook in the kitchen so we did a quick KFC on the performer with the vortex.
Nothing special but always very good.

Used leftover apple pie filling beans and some broccoli
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Winner winner, chicken dinner!
Your weather sounds a lot like ours, I'm ready for some steady 70's.

Glad I'm not in the Phoenix area going to be about 105. Here about 91. Forgot how much I enjoyed grilling. Going to be a hot summer Barb and I are ready for it. We got grills! Got to cook some good chow for my working lady!
Stay safe.
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don’t know how you guys do it! Anything over 80 I’m not feeling it.
Glad you got back out there, I find grilling and smoking outside to be very rewarding.

