TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Well they didn't annoy me because I used mine. I was in a really bad wreck 50 years ago and did not realize how much damage was done to my neck. I wasn't wearing a belt then. (didn't have the warnings on that car). Had no clue how much a person could get thrown around the inside of a car, in a rear ender. Needless to say, tomorrow I am going to a new therapist to get further eval on what happened. So, I ALWAYS wore my belt and harness after that. So no the warnings didn't bother me.Well, as for the chime and all the other sounds...I think you will learn to tune them out, just like you learn to tune out the wife.It's a new car, give it time, you'll get used to all the new noises and other safety features. Remember how annoying the seatbelt chimes were when they first came out?
Honestly the warnings aren't bothering at all in the BZ. All that's happened a couple times is it's caught me (stupidly) taking my eyes off the road to find something on the instrument panel I wasn't familiar with a couple times. So yeah it caught me. But didn't annoy me in the least. Actually "reminded me".
Honestly I realize how much I'm liking the car. Unlike that I likely will not enjoy trying to snake 6ga Romex in my basement out to the garage. Fun, fun, fun