Snowy Sunday's down 'n dirty eyes over lump


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Chuck eyes that is.

Found a single BL left in my redneck cooler from Saturday's birthday bash for son Tyler.

A 1.5 inch 'dusting' of snow was falling on top of the old snow when I fired up the Ozark Oak lump, then retreated inside.
Only took 2 hot shots:


Here's you plate......oh, wait.

Here's your salad:

and here's your plate:

Delicious quicky dinner.

40's predicted for this weekend:) :) :)
Chuck Eyes L@@K AWESOME! Bob!!
Salad Looks Great too!
I'll need another steak tho buddy...:rolleyes:

thank the Lord there's only one bud light left, you can have that :p
Fantastic steak dinner Bob!!! I tried those "fried" mushrooms you posted last week. They were a big hit with the Wife, we devoured them in about 30 seconds!
I have to try to find chuck eyes. The guy at Albertsons looked at me like I was crazy. Those steaks look killer. Nice job!
Great cook Bob great looking plate and salad. Thanks to you and Jim L for introducing me to chuck eyes we have them about once a week or so now em!

