Snow!! and pork chops


Adam H

Ingredients for the cook

Shrooms cooking in cast iron

Performer warming up in the mountains of snow!! ;)

Chops on the grill

Finished Plate

Thanks to all. :wsm:
Adam... tell us why you did not brush the snow off your grill table top....

is it that unique? ;)
Adam great cook I'll take a plate! How in the world did you even find the Performer in all that snow? :)
Adam... tell us why you did not brush the snow off your grill table top....

is it that unique? ;)

And how in the heck did it not melt during the cook?

Great looking chops by the way!! My kind of meal messing around with sides..just the meat!!
Pretty unique for our area. We get a snow like this maybe once every ten years. The problem is we also get a lot of ice. It's pretty ridiculous how it always shuts down the whole state. Thanks for all the comments!

