Smoked Polish Sausages


Peter Gallagher

The forum is such a great place for inspiration - There's so much great stuff going on here - I'm continually blown away by folk's passion, creativity and skills... Even with all that, every once in awhile I see post that seems to go even a step further. @Rich G 's Polska Wędzoną post from a week a go or so was one of these posts. My sausage making skills have always been pretty hit and miss, (ok, mostly miss) but I thought I'd give a whirl - Not at the level of Rich's, but I was pleased with the out come - so with apologies in advance to the master, here's my attempt from the weekend:

I had a pork picnic in the freezer. I think Doris bought it for pulled pork at some point.. Though picnic would be fine, I prefer using the other half of the shoulder for pulled pork - For sausages, I thought the picnic would be great... Got things going on Saturday - I cubed it and seasoned with the dry seasonings. I followed Rich's salts, sugar, pepper (I used white pepper) and water amounts. I veered a bit, and used 2 heads of roasted garlic, and added pepper flakes and dry hot mustard. I let it sit over night, and got grinding / stuffing in the morning:


I did them in the vertical portion of the Klose smoker. It was a really nice day -


I let them dry in the smoker at about 100 degrees with the back horizontal door cracked open. After they dried, I hit them with a steady diet of apple wood at 125 for an hour and half - then 135 for an hour, then 145 for about an hour. I got some water going in the kitchen and did the that 170 bath to get them up to 145 - this really only took about 5 minutes, tops. Then into the ice bath.

This is from about the time I pulled them, I think.


This is after the ice bath...They were looking pretty tasty at this point, I had cautious optimism the way things were headed....


Heated one up on the gasser, and took a peek- I was happy with the color, texture ......


Served with home made clam chowder and pretzels - They were all I could hope - Great taste, spice -- it worked! Thanks again to Rich!


Oh, and Doris made macarons for dessert- yum!

@Peter Gallagher, my man, you nailed those! They look perfect to me! Great color, good consistency (so good bind), and some nice juice on the cutting board suggests the fat content was right in the ballpark. From here, you just have to ask.....what would I change? Add? Delete? I like your roasted garlic/mustard adds. ...and, I like your plating with the mustard, pretzel, and chowder (I always think chowder either needs sausage in it, or near it!)

Side note.....I almost bought one of those Klose units with the upright box, but opted for the standard backyard version with just the barrel. After struggling to get the hang of it for a couple years, I sold it and got a WSM. Great pit, just not for me! :)

Nice work, Peter!


EDIT: Oh, and the macaroons look totally legit! :) My daughter and I have made them a time or two.....mine don't look so perfect! 🤣🤣
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All I can say is WOW!! Never made homemade sausage...but this is inspiring and they look amazing! And homemade are a lucky man!!

