Jim Lampe
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
We’re celebrating SMOKE DAY 2018 tomorrow, the 28th of July.
Yes, I know it's quite late, but we had some major landscaping scheduled for the 22nd of May (a few days before May 26th).
So, we planned to do SD18 two months late.
However, due to a mid-April snowstorm and lots of rain following the snow, the crew was delayed by 3 weeks.
Holding the event on the original date may have been an issue with some guests attending from as far away as Nevada. We could not be certain the yard would be usable at that time.
So, tomorrow it is.
About 32 guests will attend, the weather looks promising and the brisket with racks of ribs will be ready.
I will post photos afterwards if this forum is still open.
Yes, I know it's quite late, but we had some major landscaping scheduled for the 22nd of May (a few days before May 26th).
So, we planned to do SD18 two months late.
However, due to a mid-April snowstorm and lots of rain following the snow, the crew was delayed by 3 weeks.
Holding the event on the original date may have been an issue with some guests attending from as far away as Nevada. We could not be certain the yard would be usable at that time.
So, tomorrow it is.
About 32 guests will attend, the weather looks promising and the brisket with racks of ribs will be ready.
I will post photos afterwards if this forum is still open.

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