Skirt Steak (Teaser, cooking tomorrow)



last time I was at the butcher shop I picked up some skirt steak. I used to have to call ahead and order it but the store expanded and now carries it frozen in about 5lb bags. I thawed it in the fridge for 2 days and took it out tonight to marinade.

Have to trim some of the fat off first.

All trimmed and ready.

Here is the marinade of choice. I use it about 50/50 of each.

Time for it to go in the fridge and soak till tomorrow.

You'll have to wait till tomorrow to see how it turns out.

Don't know the difference, but my local Costco doesn't sell skirt steak, but the do sell "flap meat". The butcher said it is their version of skirt steak, and we have it regularly. Wife grills it on the gasser and I use it in the wok on the Performer. Looking forward to seeing your cook.
It's done.

Here is the meat after it marinated over night.

Put it on the Genesis that had been warming up. I started it on high hear to get the sides seared.

Gave it a turn to get some sear on that other side. Also turned the heat to low.

Took a piece out to check it. Still a little under done for my taste.

I oiled up some corn with olive oil to cook while waiting for the skirt steak to finish.

I moved all the steak to one side over low heat and turned the other side to high to cook the corn.

Corn looks about done.

Here is the final plate.

Over all it turned out okay, nobody complained. But the steak ended up getting cooked too long. I should have taken it off sooner. The corn tasted great. I have always cooked it in the husks but think it turned out better this way. We seasoned it with butter and some fresh parsley and thyme from the wife's herb garden.

Thanks for looking
Bob, I'm not sure but it's probably the same thing. I've also heard it called hanger steak. I was told that most butchers end up grinding it into hamburger because there is so little on a cow that it's hardly worth cutting off and packaging.
Bob, I'm not sure but it's probably the same thing. I've also heard it called hanger steak. I was told that most butchers end up grinding it into hamburger because there is so little on a cow that it's hardly worth cutting off and packaging.

I think you could be right. All that matters is that we like it and it tastes great any way we cook it.

your cook looks great and I also like my corn grilled that way even though my wife thinks that it dries the corn out. It just tastes better to me.
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Great cook that first pic showing the cut meat was spot on. Corn done with oil, butter and fresh herbs is the only way.

