Shucking Corn



TVWBB All-Star
I am sure most of you have seen the corn hack of microwaving ears of corn in the husk then cutting the bottom off and cleanly shaking the corn out with no silk on it. My question is, has anybody tried that with other cooking methods, such as boiling, steaming or grilling? I am guessing that grabbing the cooked corn by the top and holding on to the silk is the key to this hack. Thanks
I shuck fresh ears, and wipe them down with some paper towel or a dish towel to get the stray silks off. Granted, I am grilling far more than boiling and that'll burn off the stray silk over the hot grill.

Edit: the variety we get locally is good enough to eat completely uncooked. And when grilling, even if I do get a lot of caramelization on the kernels, I still have managed to not scorch it (yet.)
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Grilled, husks on. Then I slice off the bottom, run the knife straight down, peel, remove silks, butter and salt. Yum!
Grill, husk on, peel back to make a handle, butter, salt and pepper, eat!
I use an old fashioned enamel coffee pot with a stick of butter in it, add water to a reasonable “dipping” depth and heat to melt the butter, it works very well for large gatherings when one might get a lot of wasted butter.
Yeah, I've gotten to be kind of a corn "snob" thanks to a couple farms near me who grow such incredible corn. So good and sweet you can feel the cavities growing on your teeth :D Cooking it in liquid gives you corn "soup", microwave MEH, If it ain't grilled I ain't eatin' it
John, to your question - I haven't tried that with other methods either but I think it would probably work with steaming. Not sure about the others.

I use the microwave method as a shortcut when prepping to grill. I nuke them just a couple minutes so the husk and silk easily slide off, and bonus - they are now par cooked a bit when I put them on the grill. I usually cook 10-12 ears - especially when making the popular elotes, so it speeds up the grilling and frees up grill space faster.
John, to your question - I haven't tried that with other methods either but I think it would probably work with steaming. Not sure about the others.

I use the microwave method as a shortcut when prepping to grill. I nuke them just a couple minutes so the husk and silk easily slide off, and bonus - they are now par cooked a bit when I put them on the grill. I usually cook 10-12 ears - especially when making the popular elotes, so it speeds up the grilling and frees up grill space faster.
That’s a really good technique, I might try that next week!
Have always shucked the corn before its dropped in a pot of boiling water for 3-4 mins. Tried to grill a few times & we prefer the boiling water way.
I like to soak mine in water then grill them with the husk on.
Shucking them has always been a game of hot potato for me.
I always get corn that was picked within an hour or 2 of being used. Soaking when it still has the dew on it is a waste of time. Maybe if you're buying old super market corn where it's been on the shelf or refrigerator case a few days, sure. But I'll do without before I buy that
I always get corn that was picked within an hour or 2 of being used. Soaking when it still has the dew on it is a waste of time. Maybe if you're buying old super market corn where it's been on the shelf or refrigerator case a few days, sure. But I'll do without before I buy that
Actually, the proper technique is to roll the grill out into the field and then carefully bend the stalks such that the ears are on the fire........
I tried that microwave hack for the first time the other day with two ears of corn in the microwave for 4 minutes. Cut the end off and squeeze the ear out and was amazed that no silk stuck to it at all. The corn was hot tasted really good and I have no problem when I don't Grill the corn to cook it like that inside in the future.
Reminds me of the time back in the 50s my mom gave me $.50 to go get thirteen ears of corn from the farmers stand a few blocks away. I jumped on my bike and hurried off to get it. Well, the stand was part of a large farm that bordered our housing tract. I had the brilliant idea to just ride my bike into the corn field and snatch me 13 ears and pocket the $.50. As I was gathering my bounty the Farmer went by on his tractor. I heard it slow down and I took off for the farmers stand. When I got there, I showed the farmer's wife my stash of corn and gave her the $.50. She said "Well aren't you an honest young man" I didn't tell her that when I heard that tractor slow down and I saw that double barreled shotgun full of rock salt I had heard about, I decided to do the right thing.

