I'm sure all you guys have more grills than me and are happy to keep them all. And I thought I'd feel the same way, I'm just not sure.
Currently I have a a Genesis II LX 440, WSM 18", Blue Performer, and a Q1200. Seems good, there are uses for all of them, except Im not using all of them...
I also happen to have 3 kids and a wife, ages 9, 4, 1, and **.
Despite now working from home due to the virus, I still can't seem to manage time to use the charcoal contingent.
The Genesis gets use 2-6 times a week. its the main grill and works well for most things. I wish it got a bit hotter to sear a steak, not that I get steak often, my kids and wife don't eat it.
The WSM was my first foray into charcoal. its gotten use over the years. generally a handful of times a season, ribs and the occasional pulled pork. Although with the surprise baby last year, not sure if I used it in 2019.
The Q goes camping, it was bought for that purpose and is great at it.
That brings me to the performer. I bought it used, in crappy condition and fixed it up. Stainless steel grate, new steel table, new rack on the bottom, new nameplate. I used it a bit the first 2 summers I had it, but now it sits and sits. Since every dinner lately (past 2 years) is a running late emergency, due to activities, work etc.
I feel like I should sell 1. they take up space next to my house. I don't want them to rot away. I don't "need" the money in the sense of I need to sell things to put food on the table. But as with any hobby, freeing up hobby money helps soften new purchases and I've considered a new bike recently.
Am I going to regret selling the performer? is there an argument that I should be selling the WSM instead since you can smoke on the performer?
Currently I have a a Genesis II LX 440, WSM 18", Blue Performer, and a Q1200. Seems good, there are uses for all of them, except Im not using all of them...
I also happen to have 3 kids and a wife, ages 9, 4, 1, and **.
Despite now working from home due to the virus, I still can't seem to manage time to use the charcoal contingent.
The Genesis gets use 2-6 times a week. its the main grill and works well for most things. I wish it got a bit hotter to sear a steak, not that I get steak often, my kids and wife don't eat it.
The WSM was my first foray into charcoal. its gotten use over the years. generally a handful of times a season, ribs and the occasional pulled pork. Although with the surprise baby last year, not sure if I used it in 2019.
The Q goes camping, it was bought for that purpose and is great at it.
That brings me to the performer. I bought it used, in crappy condition and fixed it up. Stainless steel grate, new steel table, new rack on the bottom, new nameplate. I used it a bit the first 2 summers I had it, but now it sits and sits. Since every dinner lately (past 2 years) is a running late emergency, due to activities, work etc.
I feel like I should sell 1. they take up space next to my house. I don't want them to rot away. I don't "need" the money in the sense of I need to sell things to put food on the table. But as with any hobby, freeing up hobby money helps soften new purchases and I've considered a new bike recently.
Am I going to regret selling the performer? is there an argument that I should be selling the WSM instead since you can smoke on the performer?