Sell the Performer or the WSM


Chris Kug

I'm sure all you guys have more grills than me and are happy to keep them all. And I thought I'd feel the same way, I'm just not sure.

Currently I have a a Genesis II LX 440, WSM 18", Blue Performer, and a Q1200. Seems good, there are uses for all of them, except Im not using all of them...
I also happen to have 3 kids and a wife, ages 9, 4, 1, and **.
Despite now working from home due to the virus, I still can't seem to manage time to use the charcoal contingent.

The Genesis gets use 2-6 times a week. its the main grill and works well for most things. I wish it got a bit hotter to sear a steak, not that I get steak often, my kids and wife don't eat it.

The WSM was my first foray into charcoal. its gotten use over the years. generally a handful of times a season, ribs and the occasional pulled pork. Although with the surprise baby last year, not sure if I used it in 2019.

The Q goes camping, it was bought for that purpose and is great at it.

That brings me to the performer. I bought it used, in crappy condition and fixed it up. Stainless steel grate, new steel table, new rack on the bottom, new nameplate. I used it a bit the first 2 summers I had it, but now it sits and sits. Since every dinner lately (past 2 years) is a running late emergency, due to activities, work etc.

I feel like I should sell 1. they take up space next to my house. I don't want them to rot away. I don't "need" the money in the sense of I need to sell things to put food on the table. But as with any hobby, freeing up hobby money helps soften new purchases and I've considered a new bike recently.

Am I going to regret selling the performer? is there an argument that I should be selling the WSM instead since you can smoke on the performer?
Down here in Costa Rica I have a serious bug and spider problem especially during our rainy season May-Oct. So to control the Spider nests, mold, etc., that occasionally comes-up in my Weber Performer Deluxe(WPD), WSM 18" "Classic"(bought new in year 2008) and Weber Smoky Joe I air-them-out around once a week. Just letting these Sit without use even for a couple of weeks is just not practical where I live, so, to keep my wifey Boss happy and maintain properly my BBQ Cookers I try to keep no more than three(3) Cookers at any one time.

Since I am 77 Years old the WSM requires much more physical effort for my BBQ Outings and since my WPD is fitted with a SS SlowNSear Plus and SS DripNGriddle Pan for both grilling and smoking at much less physical effort in cooking and clean-up; I would depart with the WSM if need be.
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Well imo the WSM is a single tasker where the performer can do both. In fact ive had really good results smoking in a kettle so if you have to part with one i would send the wsm packing. Just my opinion. my smoking goes in phases anyway. good luck!
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If you are only smoking a couple racks of ribs or the occasional pork butt, then sell the WSM. I've smoked many butts in my Performers and ribs as well. If your Performer has a gas start then it really doesn't take much longer to heat up the grill than it does for a gas grill.

We recently bought a Hunsaker griddle and making smash burgers on that is a blast and you've got ready to eat burgers VERY fast.
We also have the GBS grate with removable center. Put charcoal baskets under center, Wok over the coals and you can cook up a really tastey stir fry in no time. Don't think you can do that with a WSM

I used to have a couple big E-310s and got rid of them both. I love cooking with charcoal. I've got a 2 and 4 year old, I always have them "help" me start the fire, they love seeing the charcoal pop and flame away. Plus after dinner we can make old fashioned smores over the hot coals. They love it.
I only use my Q320 when it's raining or if I'm grilling veggies.
The WSM certainly is a wonderful tool. But as others have said, just about anything that can be done in the WSM can also be done on the Performer. The WSM does make some of those tasks MUCH easier though. I also have a Genesis, WSM, Performer and Q. If I had to lose one, it'd be the WSM. My Performer is my 'daily driver' and would be the last one to go. I've got kids as well, and just modify my schedule to allow me to cook over the coals.
Most of my cooks are on the performer however I love the versatility of a wsm that can be a smoker, grill or steamer by simply rearranging the grates and water pan. Not sure if you are aware of that. The wsm requires less storage space and is extremely versatile. Something to try out and consider.
You sound like a young man with a young family. Been there done that. When I had three kids with sports. couching, work, maintaining the house I was lucky to have time to breath.
Just to clarify I have 8 grills and one WSM. With just the two of us that's nuts. So I'm also thinning the herd. Also I have a performer which I enjoy using and like Jim said you can do almost anything with a little practice on the performer that the WSM can do.
During the summer we have fire restrictions so we can't use charcoal, but I will keep the performer and two gassers and my Camp Chef Pellet grill.
The WSM is going and two gassers., a 22 kettle and my 1985 genesis 1 which I was going to restore but with two other gassers why bother.
So my vote is sell the WSM and keep the performer as it is more versatile than the WSM.
I have a follow up question. What do you, would you use the Performer for if you keep it? If the answer is you currently and plan to use it hot and fast, low and slow, and direct and indirect then I get keeping it. However, if you are using the Genesis for everything expect low and slow and don't plan on using the Performer for those task and if you keep the Performer it would be used primary for low and slow anyways, I think the WSM is better suited for that and it takes up less space. I have to disclose that I am not a owner of a Performer, but rather the owner of a 22 in Master touch kettle and a WSM 14. My kettle has replaced my gas grill as I have gone completely charcoal based. So from my experience I just see the Genesis and the Performer as like grills, but that may be an oversimplification. I would keep the WSM and uses it those four or five times a year that you want to specifically smoke low and slow. The only way I could see making a case to keep the Performer is if you plan on utilizing its versatility.
If I was in a position where it was necessary, I’d probably off the WSM. However. I had not considered it’s application as a steamer but why would I want to steam something in it? I’d off the smoker.
The original wsm pamphlet shows using it as a steamer would be good for seafood such as lobster, clams and shrimp. Attached is the set up.1A93A0D8-B6D1-4718-8738-8FB665672620.jpeg
Thanks for all the replies. I am a litle surprised for the Performer love over the WSM, but that is also why i asked the question.
I bought the performer with the idea that it would take over some daily driver duty. Weekend cooks where I had more time, chicken on the bone, searing steaks etc. unfortunately life is getting in the way. I guess Im trying to figure out whether I'm going to get back to the Performer, or not. when things get easier.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to do some low and slow stuff here or there, pork butts and ribs, which is why i got the WSM in the first place. The Performer was a bit of an experiment in charcoal cooking.

I'm thinking maybe I need to push to do a few items on the Performer in the next week or 2 and see whether I really like it still. I hate having something and not using it. Maybe I just need to rearrange my yard to have storage more organized and better for everything.
I offed the 22 WSM, had to whittle it down to 3 from 10 at my new place. 2006 Genesis 310 special edition = SS grates with East - West burners no problem searing steaks at around 600°. A 1995 SS Blue Performer and a Weber 26R. The Performer is the work horse around here then the gasser and when needed the 26R for the smokes using the snake method or when you need more space to do Jim Lampe's High Heat ribs.:)

Don't get me wrong the WSM was fun and i used it a lot, it just didn't get used enough to justify keeping it.
You are completely thinking of this wrong. You need to keep the Performer, the WSM, and the Q. Get rid of the Genesis if you need to get rid of something. The Q will grill and sear every bit as good as the Genesis. That's your duplication. Then you'll have a gasser, a smoker, and the Performer which in my opinion should be your workhorse and the absolute last grill you get rid of. Again, just my opinion.
So I don't have a answer. i may just have to keep all of them.
Cooked split chicken breasts on the performer over the weekend and it was some of the best I've done ever. Perfect crisp on the skin, tender and juicy inside., a bit of a charcoal cooked flavor. Performed great, was better for having been on charcoal than gas.

On the flip side I cooked a bunch of sausages for dinner one night, last minute on my gasser which required very little energy input or thought from me. Yeah they could have cooked on the performer, but I would have had to set up the charcoal in the chimney lit it, waited, dumped coals. doesn't sound hard and i guess isn't but sure was easier to just turn on the gas and keep working on my other stuff.

I also popped on the grill at lunch yesterday for a few hot dogs. again, super easy on gas, but would have been more work on the charcoal.
Basically for my current use the Performer doesn't replace my gas grill, although it has added benefits when I have the added time.

Point of question on the Performer. I have gas assist start on it...
how do you do that effectively?
I tried piling my charcoal over it, and frankly it didn't work. I ended up scooping up the charcoal in my chimney and using newspaper. I lit it with the gas assist, but really was a waste as I couldn't get the clicker to light it, so I used an electric match... so what is my gas assist for? I feel like I have the steps fundamentally incorrect.
On my performers I fill up the chimney and place that over the flame from the gas assist. Works great.

Those sausages and hot dogs would have cooked just fine on your little Q grill too. My only gas grill is a Q320. I use it when grilling veggies since the grate spacing is so tight. Also cook on it when it's raining outside. But Performers are my go to grill.
I don't have anything to contribute, but I love this thread. :D

I too have a gasser (non-Weber 4-burner professional grill), an 18" WSM, and a 22" Kettle that I hauled away as it was sitting on a neighbor's curb with a "free" sign on it. Had I known how versatile the Kettle was, I wouldn't have spent over $1,500 on the gasser and WSM back in the day, and just bought a Kettle. So funny!

Good luck to you and whatever you decide will be the right choice. You can always replace what you get rid of down the road if you want it back. ;)
On my performers I fill up the chimney and place that over the flame from the gas assist. Works great.

Those sausages and hot dogs would have cooked just fine on your little Q grill too. My only gas grill is a Q320. I use it when grilling veggies since the grate spacing is so tight. Also cook on it when it's raining outside. But Performers are my go to grill.
I get what you're getting at. The Q1200 is bit smaller than the Q320 that you have. The dogs would have have been fine, but the family pack of sausages wouldn't have fit, at least comfortably. For me the Q is fine as a 1-2 person gas grill, and honestly will do most things that fit just as well as the full size. But isn't in my space issue since I have it stored in the garage separately from its outdoor brethren. I don't view it as a replacement for my 4 burner gas grill, just not big enough, and I'm mostly happy with my 4 burner.

I'll try that again for the Chimney on the performer. I started thinking i wasn't supposed to need the chimney with the gas assist.

I think honestly I have a good grill set up, maybe the performer is overkill for my charcoal useage. What I have is a crappy storage set up. My gasser has got a dedicated spot on my patio. The other 2 are off on a concrete sidewalk thing on the side that is now crowded with the new mini split AC, a stack of chairs, and the kids power wheels with no extra space
I think honestly I have a good grill set up, maybe the performer is overkill for my charcoal useage. What I have is a crappy storage set up. My gasser has got a dedicated spot on my patio. The other 2 are off on a concrete sidewalk thing on the side that is now crowded with the new mini split AC, a stack of chairs, and the kids power wheels with no extra space

I say ride it out. Kids will lose interest in the Power Wheels in a year - maybe two. That'll clear up plenty of space. ;)
I get it with the young kids. When my kids were younger I had a non-Weber 4 burner gasser and it worked perfect to still be able to grill with the limited amount of time with three little ones walking (I mean running) around. However, now with the kids 11, 12, and 14, I have gone all charcoal. In my opinion charcoal is not that much more work than gas, but it is enough more that the ease of gas with the kiddos makes it worth it. If you enjoy using the Performer, just don't have as much time right, I believe that will change as the kids get a little older. If you can hold on to all of the grills do it, if you want to get rid of Performer, in the future you could look to pick up another Kettle or Performer.
I get what you're getting at. The Q1200 is bit smaller than the Q320 that you have. The dogs would have have been fine, but the family pack of sausages wouldn't have fit, at least comfortably. For me the Q is fine as a 1-2 person gas grill, and honestly will do most things that fit just as well as the full size. But isn't in my space issue since I have it stored in the garage separately from its outdoor brethren. I don't view it as a replacement for my 4 burner gas grill, just not big enough, and I'm mostly happy with my 4 burner.

I'll try that again for the Chimney on the performer. I started thinking i wasn't supposed to need the chimney with the gas assist.

I think honestly I have a good grill set up, maybe the performer is overkill for my charcoal useage. What I have is a crappy storage set up. My gasser has got a dedicated spot on my patio. The other 2 are off on a concrete sidewalk thing on the side that is now crowded with the new mini split AC, a stack of chairs, and the kids power wheels with no extra space

On the gas assist, it replaces paper. You absolutely use your chimney, the gas assist is how you start the chimney. Just doing that instead of a pile will save you a lot of time.

I put the chimney over the gas assist flame for about 5 minutes then turn off the gas. Then in 8 to 10 minutes the chimney stops smoking and the coals are ready. You don't have to wait until they are all ashed over. Once the smoke stops and you can see the flames just over the top of the chimney they are ready.

I have just filled my char baskets and put them over the flame which works, but it just takes a bit longer. And, if you aren't using your baskets, that's another thing to me that is pretty essential. Especially for searing anything.

Personally, the Performer is the star and the celestial body that all the other grills rotate around. Lol. Maybe that sounds crazy, but any of my other 5 grills can come and go, but the Performer will never go anywhere. Again, just my opinion.

My main triplets are the Performer, the 14 WSM, and the Q2000. I have a Charcoal Go Anywhere and a Jumbo Joe for travel/camper/tailgating use. Then I have my original 22 Kettle that I have converted into a firepit and I use the rotisserie on that. As much as I loved my Genesis, I don't miss it at all (don't tell her I said that lol).

