second go @ butt, 1st time fattie


Becky M-M

so... i need to keep practicing at butts. so found a 9lber, i didnt want to split it, but because of time constraints i had to.

no fancy rubs here... im not trying to make some outtat-this-world rub. i am trying to learn my way around actually cooking and temps.

they went on at 9 am. i didnt peek or anything. i had an emergency and had to leave the house at about 11am. at that point i loaded up more coals and opened the top vent about halfway. when i came back about 2pm, it was still going strong. temps were about 250.

still didnt peek. im sooooo proud of myself!

4pm i checked em for temps. they were at 190 each.

when i pulled them....these were just begging to be tasted.....yum!

some more of these.... they are so easy and soo good.

i foiled the butts and started to work on this. i was going to read up on them and stuff, but the sausage defrosted a day early so i winged it.

stuffed it with the bit of leftover ABT stuffing.... some more mozz... and some diced onions

my first fattie on the grill!!!!

about 150 degrees and i had run out of fuel. so i put on just six more coals to finish it off.

done and resting. i soooo wanted to cut into it, but i knew it needed a couple minutes.

didnt get any shots of me pulling it, but the pork was super moist.... really tender. it was better than my first one. here is some plated with some garlic/onion/cream cheese mashed taters.

heres my fattie sliced up. sooooo good. i might want to try the pork sausage mixed up with a bit of beef next time.

all in all... it was a fun cook. and i think that my having to leave the house and being forced to not mess with anything helped my temps. this butt was definitely more tender and very moist. i asked my kiddos... so, are you all going to get tired of me smoking butts? they said no!
Becky, hope all is well.
Your second attempt at BB looks great! ANd the ABT's ans the Fattie look great also! Only problem I see, is you've now raised the bar really high!! Hard to beat this cook!
Good Job,it all looks great!
Just like you Ladies, Always fussing over the food!

What a Fine job you did on a Great cook!
Now wait one minute! you show me abt"s with pepperonies on top (pic4) then in pic 9 you have bacon......are you trying to pull the bacon over my eyes?LOL.
Nice job Becky.They sure look good. Nice pictures also.
next time try cutting criss crosses in the skin or just remove the skin.
I agree with George. Pork butt has so much intramuscular fat that you don't need that extra fat cap on the butt. The rub and smoke won't penetrate the fat cap. (Brisket is another matter -- much leaner, so leave a 1/4 inch of fat on top).
Please don't take this as a criticism -- your smoking and grilling are first class. I would be first in line at one of your barbecues!
Wishing you continued Q'ing success Becky. Cheers - G

