Sad Days


Charles Howse

TVWBB Wizard
It's been quite a while since I posted regularly on TVWBB.
I thought I would let those of you who know me know that my wife of almost 46 years, Shelia, passed away last Saturday, the 7th.
Shelia had COPD for years, moved into End-Stage, then Palliative Care, then signed DNR orders, then came home on Hospice care.
She hadn't been home since Dec. 28th of last year. Came home the 4th, passed the 7th.

She decided to donate her body to the Univ. of TN Health Science Center at Memphis, so there won't be a funeral.
We'll have a memorial service the 17th at First Baptist Church in Jackson, TN.

Please keep us in your thoughts.

Charles, I'm grieving with you. My wonderful husband of the best 56 years of my life just went into home Hospice care a couple of days ago. I'm with you in mind and spirit, my friend.

From the heart,
Charles, I am sorry to hear of your loss and hope that your days will be better knowing that she is no longer suffering.
Thank you Ray.

BTW, for any others, this is Charles's thread and his loss; I'd prefer not to hijack it. Thanks.

Charles, something that you wrote has helped me immensely. Thank you for that. Gratefully, Rita

