Rotisserie Chicken Fusion on the New (to me) Performer


John Sp

TVWBB All-Star
Hello All,

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted. Life has been crazy busy and while I have been grilling, I haven't had time or energy to post. Since my last post, both my OTG and my OTS have bit the bullet. The OTG was damaged in my trailer coming home from a camping trip (thanks Mississippi highway system). My OTS gave its life valiantly cooking our TG turkey (Leg attachments failed shortly after I pulled the bird). Anyhow the loss of these old friends left me without the ability to rotisserie cook so I figured "when life hands you lemons - buy a new grill". I picked up a nicely restored performer off CL which I have grilled on a few times but had yet to spin up anything with the rotisserie. That oversight was corrected this evening. I have been playing around with Asian marinades and decided to try a shawarma style approach to cooking some boneless chicken thighs marinated in a variant of my Asian experiment. I am also trying out a new approach to posting pics so you all will be my guinea pigs along with my family. Here are some pics of the proceedings:


I failed to get a plated pic - sorry. I served it in tortillas with sauteed peppers and onions alongside some oven roasted cauliflower. The family really enjoyed it and I thought it was pretty good too. Next time I will try to compress the chicken thighs together more and maybe run it a bit hotter to get more char. I will also try to ramp up the flavor profile a bit. DW said it would benefit from some sauce - any ideas on that? Anyway - I hope to be posting more in the coming weeks - I am going to my local butcher shop tomorrow to see what's for dinner on Christmas (something on the rotisserie I think). Maybe I will squeeze out another post this weekend.

Merry Christmas All!


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Dang John, I bet that was tasty. Do you have the marinade recipe portions? I would like to try the marinade.
Pat - I did not strictly measure the stuff for the marinade but as an approximation I used about 1/2 cup of low sodium soy sauce, about the same of Mirin, maybe 4 tbs of worcestershire, about a cup of red wine, about 3 tbs of oyster sauce, 1 tbs of fresh ginger (minced), 2 tsp of fresh garlic minced and three green onions sliced thin. I left the chicken inte marinade for about four hours before skewering it.


Bet that was tasty. It sure looks good.

Myself... I'd prefer pix with your post. That's much more enjoyable, imho.
John, sorry about the demise of the old friends! Looks like you’ve met the challenge head on! That looks pretty spiffy!
I’m ready.
Scott, I was cooking for eight and used 22 boneless thighs. We had some leftovers which I added to a salad the next day.



