Root Beer – Bourbon Ribs on the Rotisserie with Creamy Chipotle Macaroni Salad


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Found a recipe in the new Weber book New American Barbecue that looked good. It’s called “Rotisserie Spareribs with Root Beer – Bourbon Glaze”.
I had a rack of Saint Louis spares that needed to be used.
The only Rotisserie I have is for my Genesis 2000 so that’s what I used. It also has the basket type spit which at times is a pain so I couldn’t do the twist with the ribs like the recipe called for. But it worked out.
Barb made a super new macaroni salad which is also in the new Weber book called “Creamy Chipotle Macaroni Salad” with chipotles and adobo sauce, grilled corn, bell peppers, grape tomatoes, basil, sour cream and mayo. Macaroni salad with a kick…Nice!
The root beer – bourbon glaze on the ribs was fantastic. The rub that goes with the recipe is great also and I used apple for the smoke.
The ribs might have gone a little longer but I didn’t want to take the chance of drying them out. They were moist and tender so I was a happy camper.
We will be making theses again.
Here’s some pictures of the cook.











Thanks for stopping by.
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Those are some great looking ribs Rich. Will check out that recipe for sure. Which rotisserie basket is that by the way?
Those are some great looking ribs Rich. Will check out that recipe for sure. Which rotisserie basket is that by the way?

Bob, It's a Weber that's been discontinued years ago. I do see them on EBay once in awhile though.
Works great for roasts and whole chickens but not good for much else.
The ribs & salad look super. Bet they tasty. Will have to try those recipes.

What's your opinion on rotisserie ribs? I love them.
I have a rotisserie for my charcoal grills that looks like that one. Mine was called a Ez Que, which I don't believe they manufacture any more. I think I paid $75 for it with the motor and ring for a 22" kettle.
The ribs look perfect to me. Could you taste any of the root beer or bourbon when you ate them?
Ribs & Mac look....mega!

I also use that exact same sriracha sauce as you guys. I've found it the best. Big garlic flavour & a good chilli hit! If you can get the hoisin sauce made by the same people, get it. I sometimes mix both together. Makes a great base for rubs to stick to.
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