Roadside Chicken and Beer-Braised Sausage


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Father's Day we once again had the whole fam damily out for a cookout. I did Roadside Chicken on the 22.5" WSM with the water pan removed and set aside, baked beans below Beer-Braised Homemade Hill Country Sausages on the 22" Kettle with all the fixins.

My fav way to grill chicken:

Homemade sauce on the left, Sweet Baby Ray's on the right:

...and a few unsauced:

Served alongside a cold Homebrew Pale Ale

I love RSC and I love the way you cook it Dwain. That sausage looks amazing and all of those sides and brews, looks like a perfect....perfect day. Next year I'm coming to your house, I don't think you will notice another extra body with the whole fam damily there. Nicely done my friend.
Dwain, did the chicken taste like it was done on a grill? Do up you think I could do that on a 14.5? Or is there too little space for a no water pan cook?
Great looking food here! Every bit of it. I'm running my schedule through my head thinking when I could get a chance to try these things together.
Great Job Dwain! That is an awesome spread dude. Extra style points for the homebrew...



