Ribs, take 2


Win L

New member
So after my first go round of smoking, I poured over the web studying all that there is to smoking, and found this site. After reading the many posts and seeing pictures, I felt emboldened for my second run. After a trip to Lowe's, I was ready

Using hickory chunks, Stubbs charcoal, and a little pecan chips for the 3-2-1 method, i got the heat around 225-230.

after 3 hours and before the foil

The finished product:

Suffice to say everyone (including me) were amazed at the juiciness and taste of the ribs. I didn't sauce them this time.
After having smoked ribs for a few months now, as well as being married for 14 years, I'm realizing that smoking meat and being married both require paying careful attention, making good observations, and taking pains to make necessary adjustments. Listen to your wife and your ribs, and you will be a happy man.
They look great!

I do the 3, 2, 1 (total of 6 hours) method with pork ribs. 235-250 degrees

3 hours on the grill rub but no sause spray will apple juice at 1 hour into and at 2 hour into the cook
2 hours on the grill add sause, wrap the ribs in foil
1 hour on the grill (remove from foil) add addl sause if needed / wanted

