Ribs on the 26"



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I've never made ribs on the kettle, they were always on the WSM and before that, in the elcheapo brinkman. Got some babybacks for <$3 a pound, and decided to make the ribs on the kettle. So many of you have killed making ribs on the kettle, I hoped to, too

Started off right, gave them a bath in apple juice for about two hours, then gave them a good rub, used Steven Raichlen's "basic run" recipe found on page 441 in his "How to grill" book


Set up the 26" for indirect using the charcoal baskets and my brand new Weber rib rack


The 26 held 300 on the dome very well, I closed the bottom sweep probably 80% for almost the entire cook before opening them up at the first sign of temp drop on the dome thermometer

At 3 hours, I "figured" they had to be done, baby backs cook pretty quick


Sauced them up (Stubs Sweet Heat and Stubbs Sticky Sweet)


Looking good (sorry it came out blurry)



Bushes Beans with bacon


Plated (my bride got me a picture plate) :)


They were good, but I really think I pulled them off too soon. I hoped for great, but only got good. It might have been the ribs, but I think it was too soon. Hard to say...
Chuck you nailed it. Ribs and beans look fantastic. I usually go longer (4-5 hours) with heat at 240-260 range but that's just what I'm comfortable with. Lots of different ways to get there. Nice job.
I usually go longer (4-5 hours) with heat at 240-260 range
I think that's the key. What I would do different:

1) I would set the charcoal baskets on each side and cook the ribs indirect in the center of the BBQ

2) I'd use less charcoal (but probably have to add) in order to keep the heat below 300. I had that BBQ choked off huge throughout the cook and it still was 300

3) I might up my game, and spend the $3+ per pound, I'm not sure these ribs were all that

They were good, but from hanging out here, good is not good enough. Gotta be great :)

Thanks everyone
I think that's the key. What I would do different:

1) I would set the charcoal baskets on each side and cook the ribs indirect in the center of the BBQ

2) I'd use less charcoal (but probably have to add) in order to keep the heat below 300. I had that BBQ choked off huge throughout the cook and it still was 300

3) I might up my game, and spend the $3+ per pound, I'm not sure these ribs were all that

They were good, but from hanging out here, good is not good enough. Gotta be great :)

Thanks everyone

I put the charcoal on one side and start the ribs bone side to the fire then after a couple of hours flip them over and put the meat side to the fire. I use kind of a mini minion method of unlit coals topped with about a third of a chimney of lit coals, like this.


Then I open the bottom vents about an eighth of an inch and top vents about half. As soon as I get my desired temp I open the top vents fully. Check the temp every half hour or so and adjust the vents accordingly. I usually have to add some charcoal at the 3-3.5 hour mark. I get a long slow cook using this method. I hope this was helpful!
Chuck the ribs look great, but i know what you mean when you said they were good but not great. I started buying smaller baby-back ribs 2 to 2.5 pounds instead of the 3 to 3.5 pounders and have had better results.
Just my 2 cents.
Got a load of Baby Backs and also Country Style on our 26er right now. Takes about 4 hours, we leave the baby backs on until the ends of the ribs get exposed. Haven't tried country style on the 26 until today, so it'll be a learning experience. We've got the coals along 1 side, the country style closest to the coals and then the baby backs the farthest away, I'm thinking the country style will either take longer or need to be closer to the heat to get done same time as the Baby Backs. Wish me luck- new cook for us today!
Chuck, first off all, ribs look good enough for me.
Then I must say that the 26 is a relly greatkettle. It allows you to set the cook as you like or need.
Those ribs look awesome Chuck, but you should try doing them HH. Like Rich said they were outstanding the only way we will do them now.

