Rib Eye for Two


Brian Dahl

TVWBB Gold Member
Hi gang - I scored again in the "dog food isle" on Thursday: an almost two pound rib eye for 50% off = less than $10.00! You should have seen me diggin' for a second: it wasn't to be had. And one was plenty big for us two. Here it rests, dusted w/ Szeged Steak rub

and onto Brownie, along with the first Zucchini of the year. Starting off indirect

after the flip. Uh-oh, looks like one of the zuke slices got a little too close to the fire

a little later, going direct for the sear

an aside as the steak rests: something I made with our snap peas and garlic: refrigerator pickled peas. These turned out nice - right up there with pickled asparagus

one for me

and one for you - I'm sorry, I meant me again :)

turned out great (as a nice rib eye should)! For those of you thinking: "Brian that ain't much beef on that plate - Jim - I did have seconds, and here's my lunch the next day

And, for those of you inclined to watch a moving picture

Thanks for stoppin' by, keep cool, and I'll see ya 'round the fire
Beautiful plate Brian. We say it's divided food. You simply will not eat potatoes with meat;) Nothing less, it looks fantastic as always buddy!
i'll watch your "moving picture" after I comment.
Please reconsider changing your Thread Title to Rib Eye For Three
then I won't comment on your seconds or thirds or... as long as IM THE THREE in Rib Eye For Three :p
VeryNice Brian!!!
@Mildo - I do eat taters and meat, and surely I've posted a meal or two: just please don't ask me when...

@Jim - Buddy, you are always one of the Spirits gracing my table! Knockin' over stuff :)
@Mildo - I do eat taters and meat, and surely I've posted a meal or two: just please don't ask me when...

Brian, I like your side dishes always, my friend. Sorry if it sounded somehow wrong. I'll be careful next time in the comments. I have to learn to eat like this healthy;)
Brian, perfect score on the rib eye! Great looking cook too! We get almost all of our steaks and chops from the dog food section and we always split a large rib eye or other steak, with a baked tater and a salad it's more than enough.
Brian, I like your side dishes always, my friend. Sorry if it sounded somehow wrong. I'll be careful next time in the comments. I have to learn to eat like this healthy;)

No harm Mildo - you didn't sound wrong, you were just voicing an observation. I'm sure you were smiling when you asked where my potato was. And, I have to eat "healthy" 'cause I like to drink beer and bourbon and... :)
Beautiful protein neighbor and the sides look PERFECT. Dang it's been hard to stay cool lately, good to see that you're still tackling the fire.

