Reefer Magnets

I saw a picture of someone who made tables out of composite decking. It looked ok, but not great. There may be something out there that would actually look nice, but I haven't seen it yet.
So this is what I had in mind for the top tables (a G4 has 2)...a single piece of redwood picket made to look like slats. Reminds me of a dock board.

The grooves on the ends are sized to the z-bar underneath (so that the appearance is the same as with slats) and I was thinking of painting the lands (bottom part of the grooves) black to enhance the faux slat look, maybe even slope them to the inside for runoff (I'll add a picture). 2 of these panels back to back for the tables, and 3 panels (replacing 9 slats) for each lower shelf section (panels would need the groove nubs on both ends and I think the panewidth needs to change) for the bottom shelf (times 2). I've haven't gotten around to doing the swing tables yet, but 42 slats replaced by 14 panels with spacing pre-set is the attraction....and then there is also the possibility of embellishment with flames, logo, etc.
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Ed, that is really cool. But, a problem I see is that the recessed connecting portions might crack prematurely due to weathering.
So this is what I had in mind for the top tables (a G4 has 2)...a single piece of redwood picket made to look like slats. Reminds me of a dock board.

The grooves on the ends are sized to the z-bar underneath (so that the appearance is the same as with slats) and I was thinking of painting the lands (bottom part of the grooves) black to enhance the faux slat look, maybe even slope them to the inside for runoff (I'll add a picture). 2 of these panels back to back for the tables, and 3 panels (replacing 9 slats) for each lower shelf section (panels would need the groove nubs on both ends and I think the panel width needs to change) for the bottom shelf (times 2). I've haven't gotten around to doing the swing tables yet, but 42 slats replaced by 14 panels with spacing pre-set is the attraction....and then there is also the possibility of embellishment with flames, logo, etc.

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Ed, this is almost exactly what I wanted to do for mine first, but I wanted each table to be one piece.
So this is as far as I got today, trying to get some ideas going. I got to the point where I needed to add a roundover bit that I bought over a month ago to the tool database and discovered they sent me the wrong bit, so I got sidetracked with trying to get a return on that.
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So this is as far as I got today, trying to get some ideas going. I got to the point where I needed to add a roundover bit that I bought over a month ago to the tool database and discovered they sent me the wrong bit, so I got sidetracked with trying to get a return on that.

View attachment 37369
For what I wanted to do, boards would probably need to be glued together. I already like what you are coming up with here. It's different, but it works.
Ed, what I was thinking is just a solid handle, forgoing all that cutting of holes. Instead, engrave the front with a Weber logo or even personalized with the owner’s name. I don’t really like the solid handles I have seen, but if you engraved it like your magnets it would be a whole different - and WAY cooler - handle!
Yah, the louvers are really cool, but they actually take away from the sturdiness of the handle. While I like things to look good, my main concern is functionality/durability. As Jon suggested, weber on the left and a personalized name on the right or maybe combine the two in your photos above with weber on the left and Platinum II or Platinum Series on the right.
Dwain. That is a valid point. Not sure why I didn't even think about it. I do know that WEBER and their reps do for a fact monitor this forum extensively. I got that from one of their marketing employees first hand. My guess is the people at weber have already seen these threads and would have requested that ED discontinue his efforts if they had any concerns with what he is doing. Weber is mostly interested in using what they get from this forum in shaping their grill design, support, marketing and manufacturing efforts. This forum gives them a ton of free unbiased opinions, suggestions and ideas. Every time Larry complains about the rotted out cookbox panels on the Summit grills and the lack of support, weber sees that. They see all the mods and rehabs we do. And they use all that information in their decision making both long and short term.

Weber loves forums like this one. We generate a ton of exposure and free advertising for them. Think of how many grills we have helped owners fix through this forum where the user was able to solve their problem without bothering weber customer service. I think what Ed is doing on such a limited basis is simply generating more enthusiasm for the brand and is viewed as a positive by the company. But, you are right, if they wanted it shut down, they would have every right to request it be stopped. Have you checked your private messages lately Ed? :oops:
I agree with what Bruce said. I think as long as what Ed is generously doing is kept low key and small on this forum, Weber has bigger fish to fry and probably benefits. It would be a different story if he sold them on eBay, Etsy or especially on his own website. As it is, Ed is certainly not cashing in the big money 💰 on the Weber name!!!
Yes, I am well aware of infringement and it's a hot button topic for industries that face rampant piracy (like the movie and recording industry). I think it is true that this falls outside of the "fair use" principle because there is money involved and no licensing from Weber. If I were printing thousands of T-shirts, they might go as far as to issue a cease-and-desist letter, which is typically the first step when there is infringement, and if their lawyers were to contact me with a letter, for darn sure I would cease and desist.

I don't think we are in sync as far as goals are what you (collectively) propose is sending me a blank handle in the wood of your choosing and paying me to carve a name and/or a Weber logo/graphic and then ship it back to you? I don't see how or why Weber would complain about that...I think that is fair use, but all it takes is a letter and I'm done.
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That sounds like a good plan where members send you a “blank” and you make it customized. That puts the onus on each of us to select and pre-fit the pieces and lets you concentrate on the artistic aspect that you and your equipment have shown so amazingly.

