Recent cook


Jeremy Calow

TVWBB Super Fan
With the wife working up north, I haven't been compelled to do any cooking which is totally uncalled for :). SO I decided to invite my cousin and his wife over for a little meal.

Found out their dietary restrictions were not originally planned for - but luckily was able to recover quickly and put together a "paleo" friendly meal :D.

Started off with some homemade italian fennel and whiskey sausage stuffed apple salad.


Then the main course was some cornish hen off the performer with some roasted sweet potatoes and goose fat fried sprouts... droool

That is one delicious looking meal Jeremy! Great job! Your cousin and his wife should have been very pleased, I know I would!
Thanks guys, it was pretty tasty, and good to get in the mood again. Ya Mike, she works another 7.5 hours driving north in a camp. No cooking for her till she gets back hehe.
I had to look up Paleo diet but after reading about it it kinda makes sence to me. I think your cook looks fantastic and I'd love to taste it all especially the whiskey sausage stuffed apple salad, and roasted sweet potatoes, and goose fat sprouts. Yummo!
Jeremy, usually do not comment of posts of cooks without action photos on the grill or WSM... butt i gotta tell you...
Your photos are THE BEST!!
The Presentation... The Quality... The .. well, EVERYTHING! Great Photos!
Thanks very much guys, I appreciate the kind words. John thanks, I will do my best to capture the "action" again ;), but I am glad the food is talking to you hehe.

