Random thoughts/Off topic/Last post wins

So, Pammi and I were doing our weekly shopping this morning.
When I went to pay. I asked the card reader to give me cash back.
Unfortunately, I didn't add enough zeros.
I did get my dime, though! :rolleyes:
Please forgive me for I have sinned. I took some of my barbecue stuff to my sister's house for the super bowl cook I was doing. My cattle lighter cubes chimney charcoal food and a couple other things. since then I've cooked on a gas or a couple times and haven't given everything else a second thought.

Now here is where I ask forgiveness. I left the chimney and starter cubes at my sister's house not worrying much. I have a performer with gas assist so I don't need that stuff.

Here is where I asked forgiveness. My performer with gas assist can't be used because I have no small propane bottles to use it. I have no chimney to light charcoal with. I have no lighter cubes to start the charcoal.

Forgive me I used charcoal lighter fluid and lit them up. Don't judge me too harshly. :eek::sneaky::oops:;):p
Turned out fine. I made sure the coals were good and going before I put any meat on. I'm not personally Dead set against lighter fluid. It was more a funny anecdotal story of what I did today.

and by the way how did it turn out reminds me that I always forget to take finished pictures but I did post a new thread and the pictures section. I'm currently asking for 5 seconds of silence from my kid. Don't know that I will get that. When I do I will try and update the other thread. He's yelling at me now that I asked for 5 seconds and he gave me 10.
I'm at my Sister's house again. Since I left my kettle there after the Superbowl cook I figured I'd use it again for tonight's quick meal. I had a little help this time.

She also really likes the Skyline I refurbished for her. But it's been a bit neglected.
Was at our local Costco yesterday. Had to get gas and while Sam's is closer and same price they allow non members and since they're pricing is about .35 lower than anyone else the lines there look like 1973 all over again. So I go to Costco since only members can buy there.
Expecting long lines of panic buyers inside the store I was pleasantly surprised to find none. Everyone calm, carts not stacked full of items they don't need, store personnel friendly and outgoing, no one backing away from each other or freaking out if you got a couple feet away. Only hint of an issue were, not one scrap of toilet paper, relatively low stock of other paper products and low stock of water bottles and all with a Limit 1 noted. Also no milk for the little guy. Otherwise a pleasant shopping experience. <Moderator: Political comment deleted.>
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video from the earthquake in UT yesterday:

Wow, never knew Utah to have a quake before.

There were smaller tremors in the TN, SC, NC area of late too. I am assuming they are associated with a fault line that runs northwest from Charleston, SC. We never felt anything in the piedmont though.
Why does the weather stay really nice all week then rain on my days off? I've got a lot of things I want to get done around the house (like there is anything else to do with everything shut down) but the rain is throwing a wrench on that.

Also I pulled out some skirt steak with the intention of making fajitas on the BBQ. I really wish I had a covered patio. First world problems are a bear.
Soooo, the new driver was supposed to start last week, but had concerns about switching jobs with the virus around.
He was told to start or we'd find another new driver.
He called the boss Monday and said that his mom got hurt and he needed a day or two to take care of her. :rolleyes:
I found out yesterday that he STILL hasn't taken his drug screening.
Uh, isn't that supposed to be done before he's given a start date?
I told the boss that I think that there really isn't a new driver and that he's just wanting to keep the "free" labor of me in the truck!
He didn't realize that I was totally joking and took ME seriously!
Silly boss!
Soooo, the new driver was supposed to start last week, but had concerns about switching jobs with the virus around.
So why did he apply if he had concerns about switching jobs at the moment? Or has his hiring process been taking that long? My work can interview drug screen and hire within a week. If people don't get their drug screens turned in we just move on to somebody else.
So why did he apply if he had concerns about switching jobs at the moment? Or has his hiring process been taking that long? My work can interview drug screen and hire within a week. If people don't get their drug screens turned in we just move on to somebody else.

I was hired within 2 weeks of being offered the job. Had my background check and drug screen done BEFORE they gave me a starting date.
I'm not sure that there really is a guy, so I've been referring to him as "Sasquatch", because I hear about him, but I ain't seeing him!

