Ramen with Smoked/Braised Pork


Michael Richards

TVWBB Emerald Member
I had really good success with my first attempt and homemade Raman which was completely chicken based in the protein and the broth. My family really wanted me to make it again and I really wanted to use pork as the protein, and use pork bones in the broth.
To do this I started by saving two pork shoulder bones alone with a four chicken thigh bones. From the second pork shoulder that I carved up I worked to separate the money muscle from the rest of the shoulder to use as the protein for this cook.

Once I got that removed I asked for the help of Rich G on how to prepare the pork for the Ramen because of this great Ramen cook that he did a while back. He lead me to this recipe. I marinated the pork following the serious eats recipe and then smoked it in the WSM at 275 until it hit 175.

I let the pork rest for a few hours and then wrapped the pork up and into the frig until last night when it was time to make the Ramen. I sliced the pork up then reheated it in the smallest amount of EVOO and some of the soy broth I just made.

Last night before I prepped the pork I worked to make the base broth and the soy broth. The first time I made this I went light on the ginger and green onions. I followed the recipe much closer in those regards and added the pork shoulder bones. After letting that cook and straining it a few times the base broth was amazing! So much more flavor then the first attempt.

From the base broth I created the soy broth and it was time to create a bowl of Ramen.

The pork was amazing, the broth was even better then the first time, and the family loves this meal!
Excellent ramen, Michael, and a stellar write up! A lot of work, but, worth it especially if you have your helper on board! When it cools down again, I'll give this one another go, too!

I love this cook the broth looks amazing. I would love to cook this and just noodles on top that would take it one more notch.
Great cook great write up and photos. Congrats.
So what direction you going next time?
I love this cook the broth looks amazing. I would love to cook this and just noodles on top that would take it one more notch.
Great cook great write up and photos. Congrats.
So what direction you going next time?
So I said the night I made it, I would like to try to go spicy pork next time. Since then both my wife and my daughter have spoken to me individually to say please don't do that. This was a notch above the first go, so I think try to recreate this again. One small change is I picked up a pork tenderloin as the protein for the next attempt.
I would love spicy pork Ramin, when we visit family in Seoul there is a hand pulled noodle house down the street from my BIL house, and they make several different broths, or soup bases, some have good spice, and are great. Ramin is a versatile base to start with, yours was really great.

