Dustin Dorsey
TVWBB Hall of Fame

I got choice rib roast from the butcher this year for the first time.

Trimmed it up. I save the bones for a stock.

Tied up.

My wife made this killer pies with homemade crust.

I used an herbal rub on the prime rib.

I got a smoke gateway for Christmas. I'm firing up the WSM here. I cooked it at 225.

There was no way I was getting any oven space as my wife was behind schedule so I tried the Genesis for the 500 degree oven sear.

It did ok.

Wife's rolls.

Some killer mac and cheese my wife also made. She is really the all-star on this one!
Because my time was thrown off, I had to do a long rest in the middle. I think I wound up finishing this more towards medium, but it was delicious! Sorry no plated pics.
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