Pre- Thanksgiving Preparations


Rich Dahl

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Barb and I decided to do some pre-Thanksgiving things so we could go on cruise control for T-Day,
That way with it just being the two of us this year we could enjoy the games, watch the parade and just relax.
The worst part was smoking the bird, we had sustained winds of 30-35mph all day with gusts hitting 60+. Had to move the performer on to the patio as the wind almost blew the lid off it. Even then I couldn’t get the temps up to 300 hung around 280-290. Took 5+ hours to cook a 15 pound bird. Might be a little over smoked but we’ll see today.
Everything else we did in the house…Had no choice.
Here’s some pictures of our efforts.

Bird coming out of the brine.

Buttered up and sitting on the veggies.

In to the gale we go.

Turn over after first hour.

Barbs homemade pumpkin pie.

Barb also made cardamom bread.

I made a quiche for breakfast on T- Day

Bird is finally done after 5+ hours.

Barb and I wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.
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Bravo, and congrats on your bird not flying away in the swirling vortex on your patio. I guess I'll stop complaining now about having to smoke in 17 mph winds today. Happy Thanksgiving!
Looking good Barb & Rich! Hope you're having a great "blustery" Thanksgiving. We've got 10MPH winds with gusts up to...?
Happy Thanksgiving Rich & Barb, we hope that you had a very nice day today. Looks like your turkey came out real guud.
OK, que me in here.

I hear it's not a good idea to smoke a bird with a liquid-filled water pan, but I see you have your bird *in* a pan of liquid (broth, I assume?). Is there any difference in your method and someone else smoking a bird suspended above liquid?

I smoked my turkey suspended above an empty water pan, but I thought the surface of the breast was a bit dry. Maybe I need to rethink my next turkey smoke and do it your way.

Great looking meal by the way.
OK, que me in here.

I hear it's not a good idea to smoke a bird with a liquid-filled water pan, but I see you have your bird *in* a pan of liquid (broth, I assume?). Is there any difference in your method and someone else smoking a bird suspended above liquid?

I smoked my turkey suspended above an empty water pan, but I thought the surface of the breast was a bit dry. Maybe I need to rethink my next turkey smoke and do it your way.

Great looking meal by the way.

Rusty, here is the Weber recipe I used. I've done this one a couple of times and it's really good, the gravy is superb.

