Prague's Yakitori II.

There is not much I can add to the praise already given.
This was an outstanding cook, with outstanding photography!
I have never seen a better post!
Geir: You amuse me. My English is as good as Google Translate can translate czech / anglish. But thank you for the encouragement, of course.

Jim: Those are big words (and not just to my address) ... I am embarrassed and do not know what to say. I do not feel exceptional here. For everything I cook, I take inspiration from all of you here.
Your affection for us Europeans really like, of course.
Emilie, Dan and Geir are fantastic.
Thanks for themselves and also for their Nordic colleagues, my friend.

Peter: Slovak is here in Prague too. Greetings and thanks.

Dan: Yes, I am proud to be here with you all on this great TVWBB. Thank you

Bob: good post should contain
- story
- description of raw materials
- preparation
- good photos
- good writing a comment

I remember Jim's post. Plane flying back and forth over Raymond. At that time you said those same words. These posts are perfect.
And these attributes here in this my post are not met.
Can not this be the best post, but thank you good man.

Thank you all again.
What's the recipe for the marinade? Equal parts of the 3 ingredients ?
Looking at those pictures made me believe I was RIGHT THERE on the PLATE!! Very nice, indeed, Mildo.

Thanks for sharing!

Too good not to respond again...Mildo you are a genius!! I remember this from almost a year ago and still best post in quite some time!! Love the colors,
Photos and the Fence post carrots...ya good stuff!!

Love this site..good ideas on here!!
Thank you for your inspiration. I've got a long way to go in both cooking and artistic presentation. Keep them coming!
That looks absolutely amazing! Awesome, AWESOME color and a beautiful presentation of the food.

Well done. One of the best I've seen on here. Great job... Great, great, job!

What's the recipe for the marinade? Equal parts of the 3 ingredients ?

1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup sake
1/2 cup mirin
3 tbsp sugar
2 tsp ginger
2 tsp garlic
1 tsp sesame oil
/3-4 lb meat
Attention! The bottle on the left is rice vinegar (not used in a marinade) used for pickles on the side;)

Jim Lampe: Mildo, only one question.... Why did you stack the carrot slices the way you did?


No fundamental reason Jim, i like it that way:)
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I'm note sure how I missed this before, but I'm glad it got a bump. Mildo, this is one of the most amazing set of pictures of a cook I've seen since I've been a member. Just outstanding!!!!

