Post a picture of yourself! *****

It's hard for me to believe that after all this time on the Bullet, this is the first I've seen of this thread! Thanks for the start Wolgast and the continuous bumps Jim. I've just spent about an hour browsing through all and wanted to say how much I've enjoyed seeing ya'll.

I'd like to add mine, but I can't seem to find a way to upload an image. Anyone care to send me a PM?

The dog is my son's "Mc"
The bird on the right is wearing jewelry
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I'm not seeing too many Canucks here. My son Aaron on the right. I waited a long time to have a beer with my boy!
Hunting pics!!! My son after his first big game kill. Took this 240lb. black bear with a .50 cal. black powder rifle....... Very good brats!!!!

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Me and my toys. The WSM is going with some baby backs, the others are just unwrapped.
And here's the fishing picture: An eating-sized walleye caught on the Missouri River near Bismarck, ND, a few years ago.
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Sorry but this was the only one I could find. You have to understand, I'm usually the one with the camera and taking the pictures. Also please understand my wife and I truly love to fly fish.... perhaps more than anything else. As a result, most of the photos are around that...............

Sorry but this was the only one I could find. You have to understand, I'm usually the one with the camera and taking the pictures. Also please understand my wife and I truly love to fly fish.... perhaps more than anything else. As a result, most of the photos are around that...............


Great Pic.

just kidding - that's tron guy. Here's me while hiking the paintbrush/cascade canyon loop in the tetons last September:

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