Post a pic of your Pet (Dog) *****

Lots of great looking pooches!

Tim & Morgan,
I have a similar story.
Our 13 year old yellow Lab, Kelsey, passed in July of '08, and we decided to go dog-less for awhile.
That lasted about a week before I started looking for a new pup.
I found a litter of yellows born on the same day that our old girl passed, and took it as an omen.
We picked out Brooke that weekend. :)

Ok, I posted some pics earlier on this thread but as a rookie mistakenly moved them which removed them from the thread. So, I'm reposting. Seeing all of your babies, I just wanted to show off ours. The traditional black & white is named Grace and the red is a rescue we named Hope for her second chance at life.



Thanks for looking! OUR KIDS HAVE 4 LEGS!!!:cool:
Lots of great looking pooches!

Tim & Morgan,
I have a similar story.
Our 13 year old yellow Lab, Kelsey, passed in July of '08, and we decided to go dog-less for awhile.
That lasted about a week before I started looking for a new pup.
I found a litter of yellows born on the same day that our old girl passed, and took it as an omen.
We picked out Brooke that weekend. :)


Bob, that is an omen, I think Kelsey is looking out for you guys! That's sure a cutie!!
Major snowstorm here yesterday, perfect for tossing a butt on the WSM, here is Junior guarding the lump, last night was his first as my new BBQ assistant.

This is Junior on his first birthday, he enjoys smoking and grilling as much as I do, gets to hang outside, steals smoke wood and tosses it around. Tonight was a first, grabbed a piece of lump that fell on the deck and ate it, guess he knew it was Wicked Good.

This is Junior on his first birthday, he enjoys smoking and grilling as much as I do, gets to hang outside, steals smoke wood and tosses it around. Tonight was a first, grabbed a piece of lump that fell on the deck and ate it, guess he knew it was Wicked Good.

Nice picture of junior... Is he in your work truck?
Yes Tony, I keep the door that separates the cabin from the cargo open so he can stick his head up front. I left him in there while I was picking something up and he found a new spot to hang out. Clint this is my third Rottie I have owned, will have nothing but. Big babies, they get a bad rep from the wrong people Owning them. Your boy is no dummy, watermelon is refreshing in the summer, not sure about the rind but he seemed to like it.
Shelby - I rescued her in 2005 when she was about 3 years old. She had a stroke and past away last fall.
She was a typical cat and only ate cat food.


Hobbes - My main cat. I was given him on fathers day 2001 when he was just 2 months old. He is more like a dog than a cat.
He will also eat just about any people food he can, including some very spicy stuff and even sauerkraut!

OK, took me a LONG while to get into this thread - I'm just a big ol' softie when it comes to dogs. Anyway, here's Cody...a Rottie mix that was a "backyard" rescue from a family in WA State...

Checking out his Christmas stocking...

Opening one of the presents inside of it...

Relaxing by the tree in 2007

We lost him in Oct 2008 (told you it took me a long time to post about him....). He was healthy and happy, and 6 days later we had to say goodbye.
He suffered from a ruptured tumor in his belly…vet said she could operate, but was sure she would find more tumors. I was
unemployed at the time, so his loss hurt even worse…no sloppy tongue and wagging tail when I came home from job-hunting.
Here's a little memorial we set up Christmas 2008....

We will get another dog sometime. He was just a real tough loss for us...thanks for looking.
Here is my "Lil Buddy" 12 yrs old rescue. He is at the door waiting when I get home. Comes to me when I call him. I believe he's 95% dog. Loves SweetWaters donuts. He'll open cupboard doors to get to them and treats. I say want to go outside and he's by the back door waiting. Eats quite a bit of people food. Oh yeah we watch the Wolverines play football together on Saturdays. He's pretty disgusted in the photo and walking to the back of the house away from the Television. The RichRod days at Michigan...BTW his name is KAT and he is a Lynx. No tail. Since then we've rescued four more cats and feed two outside strays.

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Cody was a great looking boy Mike, sorry for your loss. One day you will feel its right to get another. When I had to make the dreaded call with Slash I vowed I would not get another dog for a while. First overnight smoke I did without him I realized it was time. 1 month. No human has done an overnight smoke with me but Slash was always there. Junior has stepped up huge as my new BBQ assistant.

