Portobello Sandwiches


Mohammad S

TVWBB Member

Shrooms and onions on the Genesis.


Until I ran out of propane...


Close to ready to assemble with Swiss cheese and garden arugula.



Getting that lovin' squeeze.



The fire roasted veggies are for a yet to be made baba ghannoush.
Those look great. Nice cook! It's been a long time since I grilled Portobello's, I think I need to pick a couple up and throw them on.
Great looking sandwich, Mohammad. Love Portobellos also. Nice job. Hope you post the baba ganoush also. Love eggplant.
Thanks guys.
Also, I appreciate your "subtle" gas related remarks. :)

Cliff, the baba ghanoush was pretty simple: just mashed up the veggies (added zucchini with the eggplant just because I had some) with garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Topped with a drizzle olive oil, pomegranate syrup, and toasted pecans (walnuts are traditional but my better half is allergic to them. Sorry no pictures.
Thanks guys.
Also, I appreciate your "subtle" gas related remarks. :)

Cliff, the baba ghanoush was pretty simple: just mashed up the veggies (added zucchini with the eggplant just because I had some) with garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Topped with a drizzle olive oil, pomegranate syrup, and toasted pecans (walnuts are traditional but my better half is allergic to them. Sorry no pictures.

Thanks Mohammad. Going to definitely give it a try.
everyone should run out of propane
Nice Sammies!

I would agree with that except some of us who live in fire prone areas in the summer, no gasser, no grilling when they ban all fires including charcoal grills for months on end. I would just have to sit in the backyard and watch my plastic grass grow and drink adult beverages, what fun would that be:cool:

Those sammies look super good!
I've never wanted a vegetarian sandwich more than at this moment. Very nice.
Mohammad, looks like a nice healthy sandwich packed with flavor. I definitely could enjoy one of those with minimal dietary guilt.

