Porterhouse, corn & 'shrooms


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
My wife told me yesterday that she was going to be out this evening, so I let my daughter pull something from the freezer. She chose.....


Smart kid! Picked up some corn and cremini mushrooms from our local produce stand, fired a chimney of charcoal in the redhead kettle, and started prep! The star of the show got some salt, and then Meat Church Holy Gospel. I cut the shrooms a bit on the thick side, and dropped them in a dry CI skillet to prepare them for some dry heat to start.


When the coals were ready, the steak went on for 15 minutes indirect (flat side of bone to fire) flipping every five minutes. Did a 90 sec/side reverse sear, and pulled it to rest. Corn on direct with husk and silk intact, skillet with shrooms indirect. Flipped corn @ 5 minutes and added some butter, salt and thyme to shrooms. Another 5/flip, and a last five. Separated the strip and filet sections from the bone, sliced and reassembled on a platter with the corn and shrooms.



I would buy this cut again in a heartbeat. The filet was butter tender, and the strip a little less tender, but full of flavor. The strip side ended up a little more done, but it's hard to keep them even. The corn was fantastic (first of the year for us), and the shrooms a perfect side to round it out.

Ah, summer in NorCal...... Go Giants!

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yum! yeah, those cuts are hard to cook evenly - even more so when they are thinner - looks like you nailed it! Great to get the fresh corn... we're still probably a couple of weeks out....
Rich, great looking dinner everything is perfect. I'm sure you and your daughter enjoyed the dinner.
yum! yeah, those cuts are hard to cook evenly - even more so when they are thinner - looks like you nailed it! Great to get the fresh corn... we're still probably a couple of weeks out....
We get good corn here, just have to get to the right place to buy it (none of the grocery store corn is any good.) When I was a kid, there was a family that had a small patch of corn (maybe 2/3 of an acre) in an empty lot next to the hospital my mom worked at......we probably had corn 3-4 days a week, and that stuff was like candy!
Nice looking meal Rich.
The porter house has always been one of my favorite cuts.
I don’t seem to see them as much as I used to.
I always enjoy it, too, Andy. Unfortunately, most of what I see labelled as a Porterhouse, is really just a T-bone with a (very) marginally larger filet portion. I've had the Porterhouse from Wild Fork a couple of times, and both have been legitimate cuts!
Excellent cook Rich! If the Giants can't beat the Angles this weekend, then all hope is lost
Thanks, Chuck! Yeah, at least 2 out of three against the Angels should be the low expectation......we'll see. At least tickets can be had cheaply this year! I'm taking the whole family in July, sitting in the front row, Club level, just past third base for less than $40 a ticket!


