Pork Jowl Confit


Peter Gallagher

Did some pig face - I had been up at the Seattle office, and my boss hit me up with a Cryovac of 5 jowls. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to do with them. I had a bunch of fat in my freezer, so I decided to do some rendering and confit them -


They seemed harmless enough. I started out by dry brining them in in sugar and salt for about 12 hours. Next up was some good old fashion lard rendering:

I had about 6 lbs of bacon trimmings and fat back saved up in the freezerafter cutting up the fat, it went into the dutch oven and then outside
It started to render after about an hour. I took about 3 hours totalWhen cooled, the product was very white
Jowls go into the Dutch oven, and covered with the lardThen out to the smoker for about 6 hours

After they were done in the smoker, we put them in a pan and covered them with the fat. We weighted them down under some plastic wrap with some brick. We stuck them in the fridge over night. the next day we sauteed them fat side down and baked them in the Weber gasser for about 20 minutes. Then served with grilled scallops:

What can i say?...Stunning...Perfect...Or...a Simple...OUTSTANDING! love the way you roll mate!
VERY Cool!!!
Peter, how did you get your photos side-by-side like that with the horizontal scroll bar?
Peter, how did you get your photos side-by-side like that with the horizontal scroll bar?

I'm guessing he used the WYSIWIG editor. You can use it to create tables for complex formatting of posts. You can switch to it by clicking "Settings" then "General Settings". You'll find it down under "Miscellaneous Options".

I'm guessing he used the WYSIWIG editor. You can use it to create tables for complex formatting of posts. You can switch to it by clicking "Settings" then "General Settings". You'll find it down under "Miscellaneous Options".

I did use tables (keeps things tidy, and more effective use of space on the page). I believe they are part of the basic editor. I think they are only available when creating a 'New Thread' (not on replies)


