pork chops in cold air.


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Sunday's sunset....


...and through the P1Gvilion....


someday all this snow will melt... and we'll have a sloppy mess.
until then, we'll keep grillin'.... Sunday night, seasoned some nice pork chops with some nice seasoning...

this photo DOES NOT want to show up for some flippin' reason....

temp outside at grill time, ▼


yeah, it's getting old.
chops on.



hey! Lookie! temp inside the P1G rose a bit....



temp these guys...


yepper', they're done.
served with roasted Brussels sprouts, onions, peppers and purple fingerling potatoes...


good stuff.
the food.
not the cold & snow.

thanks for standing by with another shovel.
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Don't know which looks better the sunset or the chops. Well! The Chops are mouth watering and look mighty tasty. Great Photos, the sunset is really beautiful. They are both a winner. Thank for sharing.
I it were that cold where I live, it would be a long winter without bbq. Fine looking cooks Jim.
Great looking cook Jim. My pipe dreams of living in a State where there are real winters are beginning to dissipate. The sunset sure is stunning but I think I am going to leave the "arctic circle" states for vacation only. Ha! Hats off to all of you who have endured and survived this WINTER!
Outstanding sunset shots!
Outstanding chop cook!
Outstanding plate of food!

dig the new little thermopop too!
Great pictures I got cold just looking at them. Chops are outstanding too! I hope my Thermopop never reads that cold!
Beautiful pictures as always. Love the pavillion. And you eat some massive meals. I'm impressed. ThermoPop? Never heard of it. Time for some google action...
Glad you clarified those were purple fingerlings. Thought maybe you liked your taters EXTRA well-done.;)

