Greg D from WV
TVWBB Member
How's it going folks.
Spent the last 7 years fighting with a charbroil tru infrared patio bistro LP grill, replacing bits here and there, having the fancy grill surface welds give, and finally the body of the grill rusting away... leading me to finally be able to scrap this grill. Wife balked at the cost of the Webers, and I don't blame her. New... they are not a cheap option.
However, there is always a way. Spent the last few months browsing craigslist and saw quite a number of the older models but they seemed to always be "restored" and costing upwards of $300. Might be a great option for some folks, but not for me. Started seeing more folks getting upgrades (wife got me a new XYZ etc) and hence would give away their old grill, quite often it would be too far away, or would get scooped up super fast.
Then it happened. Wrapping up my yardwork, getting the kids ready for bed, figured why not check the web, and boom. Someone posted a free to a good home older Weber and it was only up for about 20min, jumped on it, got the email, texting and it was a lock. Set it up for the following day, had a slow day at work and set out. Overall was about a 2 and half hour drive round trip, but was able to do it while at work, so not only was it a free grill, I was getting paid to drive out there and get it.
So I ended up with this:
From reading up, it looks like a Weber Genesis Silver C LP, not sure about manufacture date but the early 2000s? It had been sitting outside for many many days, unused, but the owner fired it up and there was flame coming out of the burner tubes. So at least I know this was functional before I pulled it apart. Did some minor disassembly to get it into my old CR-V (2006) and it is not in the best shape. Appears structurally sound, will do some cleaning this weekend to see if there's any hidden rust, but for now I am trying to read up on restoration and get a plan together on how to move forward.
Here's what I'm looking at (just some photos from in the car):
I'd love some advice on specific nuts/bolts to be sure to replace, and any connections or hardware that is smart to replace while getting this thing fixed up. I have read up on the SS ebay flavorizer bars, and will certainly need a set of those. May see how the grates are, they don't feel like they are falling apart.
Is there a specific Manual I should be looking for? I'm browsing the weber site:
Seems like this is a close option, but not sure if this is what I am looking for:
2261001 Genesis Silver C LP (2000-2001) (USA) Owner's Manual for Genesis C LP (USA) 55009
I'd really like to get a schematic and some direction on how this was assembled from the box so I can tear it all apart and clean everything. I have my Sunjoe MPX powerwasher, and will be hitting some of this thing this weekend.
Appreciate any help or advice you folks have, I'll be working on this and trying to get it up and running, may not be a highly polished like-new restoration but I'm hoping to get it functional soon.
Spent the last 7 years fighting with a charbroil tru infrared patio bistro LP grill, replacing bits here and there, having the fancy grill surface welds give, and finally the body of the grill rusting away... leading me to finally be able to scrap this grill. Wife balked at the cost of the Webers, and I don't blame her. New... they are not a cheap option.
However, there is always a way. Spent the last few months browsing craigslist and saw quite a number of the older models but they seemed to always be "restored" and costing upwards of $300. Might be a great option for some folks, but not for me. Started seeing more folks getting upgrades (wife got me a new XYZ etc) and hence would give away their old grill, quite often it would be too far away, or would get scooped up super fast.
Then it happened. Wrapping up my yardwork, getting the kids ready for bed, figured why not check the web, and boom. Someone posted a free to a good home older Weber and it was only up for about 20min, jumped on it, got the email, texting and it was a lock. Set it up for the following day, had a slow day at work and set out. Overall was about a 2 and half hour drive round trip, but was able to do it while at work, so not only was it a free grill, I was getting paid to drive out there and get it.
So I ended up with this:

From reading up, it looks like a Weber Genesis Silver C LP, not sure about manufacture date but the early 2000s? It had been sitting outside for many many days, unused, but the owner fired it up and there was flame coming out of the burner tubes. So at least I know this was functional before I pulled it apart. Did some minor disassembly to get it into my old CR-V (2006) and it is not in the best shape. Appears structurally sound, will do some cleaning this weekend to see if there's any hidden rust, but for now I am trying to read up on restoration and get a plan together on how to move forward.
Here's what I'm looking at (just some photos from in the car):

I'd love some advice on specific nuts/bolts to be sure to replace, and any connections or hardware that is smart to replace while getting this thing fixed up. I have read up on the SS ebay flavorizer bars, and will certainly need a set of those. May see how the grates are, they don't feel like they are falling apart.
Is there a specific Manual I should be looking for? I'm browsing the weber site:
Seems like this is a close option, but not sure if this is what I am looking for:
2261001 Genesis Silver C LP (2000-2001) (USA) Owner's Manual for Genesis C LP (USA) 55009
I'd really like to get a schematic and some direction on how this was assembled from the box so I can tear it all apart and clean everything. I have my Sunjoe MPX powerwasher, and will be hitting some of this thing this weekend.
Appreciate any help or advice you folks have, I'll be working on this and trying to get it up and running, may not be a highly polished like-new restoration but I'm hoping to get it functional soon.