Pizza Pizza


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Whipped up a cpl different batches of dough Fri night for today's football game pizzas.

One was Cook's Illustrated dough fermented in the fridge 3 daze and the other was from Breadtopia.

The Breadtopia dough reminds me of the pizza we got from Italy. Very crispy. The best pizza I ever had was a little village in the mountains: Polcenigo.

The Cook's Illustrated recipe has more oven spring and chew. A very nice crust as well.

Both were cooked on the Weber Original Charcoal Pizza Oven and served with Scotch 90/- Ale.

This is the Cook's Illustrated crust:






This is the Breadtopia crust:



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Great looking pies.... Which crust did you like best.

Tough call. There were pros and cons of each. For instance, the Breadtopia pie was easier to work with and get onto the stone. It also had a cracker type crack when I cut and bit into it. But the Cook's Illustrated pie had a nicer oven spring and more a complex flavor because of the slow refrigerator fermentation. I think I have to go with the Breadtopia crust because it reminded me of Italy more so than the Cook's Illustrated crust. They really were both very good and I'd serve either to friends and family.
Thanks folks.

Pizzas look great! I take it the new oven is worth getting? Still want one myself. Nice post as always

I believe the Oven is worth it. It's not a Brick Oven by any means but it is fun to have and cooks a great pie. I've really enjoyed cooking on it.
Great looking pies Dwain! Experimenting with the dough/crust is half the fun of making your own pizza, looks like you got that part figured out!

