Pizza again

I like your set up (raising the pizza up into the lid so it cooks evenly - top to bottom) and I LOVE your pizza. Send a slice (or two) along to me to give it a "quality check";)...

Keep on smokin',
Nate, you and I must cook pizza on the same day a lot. I did two yesterday as well, took a bunch of pics in the process then screwed up the first one. (too long of a story)

Yours looks great pizza dood!
Great looking Pie. Do you know what the Dome temp was while you cooked this?

Yep, but let me show you my set up. Full chimney and indirect. This is actually the first time I tried it with the horse shoe shape. This way I can set the stone centered in the grill. I've banked the charcoal as well as spreading out on the charcoal grate. I don't recommend the latter since it will make your stone to hot and burn the bottom before the top is done. As far as temps on this, air temp just above the stone was running between 450-500. Stone temp ranged depending on side 390-470. I spin the pizza 180 half way through. These took 11-12 minutes. I am pretty happy with this method.

Thanks Nate - I do a very similar method just without a stone....I fear I will crack the one I have. I like your grill extender....I think I have an extra grate laying around that would make it a little more stable than the hover grill I have been using. I have to try that horseshoe method the next time I grill up a pie....tonight maybe!
Thanks Nate - I do a very similar method just without a stone....I fear I will crack the one I have. I like your grill extender....I think I have an extra grate laying around that would make it a little more stable than the hover grill I have been using. I have to try that horseshoe method the next time I grill up a pie....tonight maybe!

Just get a cheap stone to use that you don't care about breaking. The one I use is $5. The last cheapo I had lasted 4 years which I used on my gasser.
Just get a cheap stone to use that you don't care about breaking. The one I use is $5. The last cheapo I had lasted 4 years which I used on my gasser.

I will be on the look out for one! Thanks! I might even make a video if I get the same kind of results.

