Joel Peterson
TVWBB Member
Good thinking, Darren. The new build that you pushed out fixed it.
I was thinking, how many references do you have to the HeaterMeter wiki site? It might be a good idea to have it in an About or Credits screen so people who download the app looking to control their barbecue can know what is required to put the hardware together.
5) I don't have my HeaterMeter yet. I'll be building a 4.1 soon enough.
4) Don't have the time or inclination to configure the HM script required but would use it if less effort was involved.
root@HM:~# opkg update
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/attitude_adjustment.
root@HM:~# opkg install openssl-util
Installing openssl-util (1.0.1e-1) to root...
Configuring openssl-util.