No Smoke Day Weekend for me this year

I'm happy you're feeling better Robert. I wish you good health and I believe that everything will be good with you my friend.
Glad you're getting strength back Bob. I know when my hubby first started his bp meds he would sometimes feel a little dizzy, I figured it was due to the meds lowering the bp giving the lightheaded sensation. Look forward to see your smokin' and grillin' pics once you're back to feeling normal!
I'm a little late here Bob, was back in Cali seeing the grand kids. It was good to read that you're on the mend. Had the same problem with the first one Lisinoipril and now I'm on a blend of the lisinopril & amlodipine every thing is good.
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I'm a little late here Bob, was back in Cali seeing the grand kids. It was good to read that you're on the mend. Had the same problem with the first one and now I'm on a blend of the two every thing is good.
Glad you checked in Rich, hadn't seen a post from you or Barb for a few days and I'm a worrier. :)
BP is down from 180/80 to 166/69 so far, and feeling like a million bucks!
I'm burning some burgers tonight, third grill day in a row. :blueperformer:
Glad you checked in Rich, hadn't seen a post from you or Barb for a few days and I'm a worrier. :)
BP is down from 180/80 to 166/69 so far, and feeling like a million bucks!
I'm burning some burgers tonight, third grill day in a row. :blueperformer:

That's a great improvement, it took me about a month on my new blend which I started about four years ago to settle down and I'm running a consistent 125/70 although still being on 5 mg of lisinopril I never did recover all my strength back, but I can live with that at least I feel good and my energy level is good.
Bob, sorry to hear that you have been some health problems. Half the medications the Dr's give you these days can make you worse as much as they help you. I went to the dr. for a physical about a month ago. First one since Jr. High. Roughly 45 yrs ago since my last check-up. Always been healthy. Anyway, blood pressure was spot on, cholesterol was perfect, BMI spot on as were all the rest of the tests. Doc says see you in 2 years. At 59 I take no meds of any kind. I stay away from restaurant foods & try to walk every day. I always keep moving. Its a good way to stay healthy. So Bob, keep walking & stay healthy.
Mine was creeping up there and I'm only 40. Since my wife and I had the baby I've cut out drinking almost completely and it's made a massive difference. I'm generally pretty sensitive to things being oversalted. My fasting blood sugar is pre-diabetic, so I've been cutting carbs and need to drop a few. Hope the meds work out!

